Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Adrenals not functioning or very stressed

Virtually everyone with fibro has thyroid issues.  Lemongrass or Myrhh with Peppermint is what I learned to use from this list.  Straight on thyroid with a bit of carrier oil if skin is sensitive or on the foot spot (listen to the Lemongrass call on for details).  Are you drinking lemon water?  If not you should be.  Actually my very first exposure to essential oils was about the power of lemon for the liver.  Slim & Sassy is also fantastic for getting the metabolism back in order but I do feel that the amounts recommended may be too high for you.  I'd start way slower, like one drop, or apply externally.   Zendocrine is a fantastic oil for the liver.  Glad to see you're using it! 

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 6:59 AM, caroline anderson <> wrote:
Sorry I guess I should have listed more symptoms.  I have all the symptoms you listed as well as Fibromyalgia symptoms (autoimmune).  I had a doctor a few years ago tell me my adrenals did not function correctly, and that both my kidney and liver are stressed due mainly to the adrenals not functioning correctly if I understood right.   I do go to a Chiropractor weekly at this point.  And he does release the trigger points when they are not so inflamed that he can't touch them.  I have been using deep blue, peppermint, balance as well as the zendrocrine.  Just wanted to see what others have experienced in this area.

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:44 AM, Ginny Eiseman <> wrote:
Your symptoms don't sound to me like an adrenal issue. Most adrenal issues are accompanied with extreme fatigue, brain fog, weakness, along that line. Apart from Addisons or Cushings, adrenal issues are usually accompanied with an autoimmune issue.
You could add Deep Blue for pain but my guess is that you probably need a chiropractor to re-align you and release your trigger points. If your chiropractor doesn't do trigger points then perhaps massage therapy.
With the zendrocrine make sure you are drinking plenty of water (2 quarts a day minimum in addition to other beverages). Water is really important to release toxins from your system.

On 7/26/2011 9:22 PM, caroline anderson wrote:
Loving this group, learning so much.
I have been having a lot of problems with pain in my back right by the kidneys and adrenals.
I also have had a lot of problems with very sore and tight muscles in my hips and back, and sometimes shoulders.  From my readings these are all indications of adrenals.
Xrays have been taken and nothing with bone.
I have been taking zendrocrine, pill, oil and also applying it to my back, it reduces the pain I am finding applied topically.  I would recommend this if you have sensitive skin, I luckily do not have sensitive skin.
Also been using Balance, Peppermint, Slim and Sassay and of course LLV.

What experiences have others had with Adrenals and what do you recommend.

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