Saturday, October 6, 2012

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)

Oh Shelly -- You're my hero!!  I would LOVE to have this information!!  thank you thank you!!  This gentleman's wife is very much a natural medicine lover  and is excited to hear about the oils and loathes vaccines, so I think we will not have any trouble at all with implementing your advice!!  I am certainly thrilled with this forum and so grateful I found it by accident!!  

Please let us all know when you've assembled your webinar!!  It looks as if there is a need here!  

Thank you again!!  Kiera 

On Wednesday, October 3, 2012 4:36:59 PM UTC-4, Shelly D wrote:
Kiera,   Bless you for reaching out to help this individual.  My mother has PSP and I have done extensive research on this disease.  I have come up with a 3 inch 3 ring binder including videos, papers, evidence etc.  I have written up a protocol for my mother.  I would be happy to share this info with you.  I can email you the entire file.  What you need to remember is that there is only one disease, cellular malfunction and 2 reasons for disease, toxicity and deficiency.  Even a spinal subluxation is a deficiency.  Ask your patient these questions.  Do you have amalgams, do you eat fish, have you had amalgams removed recently, have you had a flu shot, do you have toenail fungus, are you depressed, do you have sugar cravings.  I would bet my life that this person is B12, D, and essential fatty acid deficient. Glutathione is in the gutter and Gut and bowel function are as well.    My mother could be helped by so many things but unfortunately the person she is married to will not even allow a probiotic and the doctors are blinded.  They keep prescribing antibiotics.  My step father's argument is that my mother lives in the senior care mecca of the country (green valley, AZ).  "If it were true, the doctors would know about it"  Well, we know that is not true as  I have spoken to several naturopaths in that area and they are all on the same page as I am.  Blessings to you.  Message me privately and I can share my information.  There is far too much here to post on this forum.  I will probably present a webinar in the near future.  If this info can help someone , it will not be wasted.  My mother continues to suffer and perish for lack of knowledge.   The ATT is a great tool, but these patients are starving for nutrients and essential fatty acids.  The LLV will be key as well as sublingual B12 and D.  The cilantro will help with the heavy metal.  The yeast and heavy metal exist together for a reason.  Rarely do you have one without the other.  The info you receive will make this clearer.  

On Wednesday, October 3, 2012 10:30:24 AM UTC-4, Kiera Wells wrote:
I am married to a chiropractor and work in his office.  We have a new patient who was recently diagnosed with this Parkinson's-like disease of the brain.  Does anyone have any experience with treating this (or Parkinson's) with ATT?  

Here is a link for more info about the disease if anyone is curious...

I hope to be certified in ATT soon, but certification classes in this area are far and few between... with four children and our office to fun, I'm short on 'free-time'!!  

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!  
Thank you DoTerra Family!

Central Virginia DoTerra

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