Sunday, October 7, 2012

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Barbara Stuart and Lisa Luke Candida video

The video is great and now there is another one with Dr. Sue Lawton on
You Tube on the subject of candida. I have taken psyllium powder
without those side effects and noticed that it is the 1st ingredient
in the Zendocrine caps. About Diflucan and Nystatin---I had a
homeopathic Dr. who hesitated to prescribe those 2 drugs because of
the side effects on liver and kidneys--when he finally did 1 year
later, it was only for 2 weeks. He also said they can mutate the
candida and make it even harder to treat. That was about 8 years ago,
and I did use one of those drugs with NOT much success. I have much
more help from the oils--- especially those from doTERRA. Remember,
most Dr. do not know about oils, but there are some out there who
realize the side effects. My husband's Dr. saw his toes and said,"I
could give you something for that, but the side effects could be worse
that the fungus." We are using Melaleuca and the other candida
protocols and watching diet, and the feet are much better.

On Sep 27, 10:58 am, Linda Donaldson <>
> Thank you so much for this video presentation. It is the most comprehensive
> talk on Candida that I've heard.
> I have a couple of questions after watching it. You say to not take
> psyllium but I cannot remember the why? I'm taking it, but will stop if it
> is harmful.
> And, do you know the dosages of Diflucan and Nystatin that are necessary?
> I'm seeing my doctor in the morning and would like to ask for it.
> Linda in OH
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 8:27 PM, Lisa Luke <> wrote:
> > Hi Everyone!!
> > Barbara Stuart and I were able to record the Candida Webinar with the help
> > of Marty Harger today and have posted it on YouTube.
> > This is a class that we have been teaching in the Salt Lake Valley for
> > about 4 months.  Candida is something that I have fought my whole life, and
> > continue to fight daily.  We were both so passionate about this subject and
> > wanted to get the word out about Candida and what it does to the body that
> > we created the "Candida Albicans - The Quiet Epidemic" Tear Pad about a
> > month ago.  This Tear Pad located at Aroma Tools and My Oil Business to
> > help you teach classes about Candida.
> > We were both EXCITED to hear Laura Jacobs speak on Candida at the
> > Convention last week!!  This is something that everyone needs to understand
> > and we hope this webinar and tear pad will help everyone feel like they can
> > teach about it.
> > Enjoy!!
> > Lisa Luke
> > Understanding Candida and Natural Approaches Webinar -
> >
> Teaching others about Candida with the Tear Pad Webinar -
> >

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