Sunday, January 29, 2012

Re: [Everything doTERRA] team question

Ginny -
My mind isn't working so well today....
If I didn't make it clear in my previous post, I include myself in the "misfits."    :o)    In my line I have 2 in GA, 1 in MO who will soon be moving to NY, 1 in NM and another in VA.   I was thinking of doing skype meetings once a month.  I would love to welcome your daughter. 
~ Victoria
On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Suzy Howard <> wrote:
I am very surprised at the unwillingness to help from other doTERRA people.  The team in my area has been active for less than a year.  There is another leg, we don't know who the person is, but they would be more than welcome to join us at our events.  We do have one lady that is not on our leg, but is in the same line, and we have taken her under our wings, and are teaching her the ins and outs of the business.  I also started a Meetup group in our area that gives people with questions a place to have them answered.  According to the rules of Meetup, it seems you can't have a doTERRA only group, so I got around that rule by starting a group entitled "Learning Essentials Oils in San Juan County", (LEO for short, lol).  It is open to the public, and all are welcome.  Of course, I only know about doTERRA essential oils, so that is all I am qualified to talk about.  We try to get all of our team members to attend, but that's not going to happen.  The ones that are business builders are more likely to attend.  It has also changed at least one team members mind about working the business, because now she has learned more, and therefore feels more qualified to discuss the products.  We try to discuss the benefits of the "free oil" for 125 PV each month as well as the 10% off oil.  This encourages them buy more to get the free product.   If they have "heard" what good the oils do for someone, they are also more likely to remember the story, and therefore some of the benefits of the particular oil.   It would be particularly helpful if doTERRA would let us know what the special products are the month prior, so that we would have time to prepare for our meetings.     Anyway, after the Meetup tasks have been taken care of, I close the meeting and tell everyone that we will have a doTERRA meeting now, and that all guests are welcome to stay or go.  So far, they have all stayed.  I suggest you have your family member do a Meetup search online, and see if she can find a local group.  That may be her entry into the world of Essential Oils, whether they are doTERRA, (good) or not (evil), lol.

Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Everything doTERRA] team question

    I must not have explained this well. I live in Alaska. I signed up my daughter who lives 8 hours away by jet. I wanted to connect her with other IPCs and go to an into meeting. So I looked at the post convention tour and emailed the person from that city that coordinated it and she never responded. So I did some more searching and found someone else. Sent them a message and they also never responded.
     One of my team members signed up a family member in California. The new IPC wants to meet other IPCs, go to an intro meeting and start building her own team. I thought we'd just try and find a meeting in that area and have her start there. The question was then raised, why would they want anything to do with her, she's just competition. That would certainly explain the reaction I got in my daughter's area. So I thought I'd see how you all deal with this before I potentially send a young sweet person into a situation that could be no so nice.
    I brainstormed this with my mentor and she flat out said we'd welcome anyone with open arms. The stronger the presence of doTerra in the community the better. We all benefit. When I brought it up with my team the reaction was mixed. Some felt the way she did but many felt the opposite.
    So I was curious how others feel and have dealt with this situation. (Again not wanting to critical of anyone's view, I don't think there is a right answer).

On 1/29/2012 1:01 PM, Laura Doll wrote:
Wait.  If one of your team members signs up someone in another area who may be a family member?  Why wouldn't this benefit you if that family member would also therefore be in your downline?  If someone feels the opposite, please feel free to send me those people.  :)
Laura Doll
doTERRA Independent Product Consultant
*C.P.T.G.*- *Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade* Essential Oils - purchase products

From: Ginny Eiseman <>
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 12:55 PM
Subject: [Everything doTERRA] team question

This question popped up in our local group recently and I'd love to hear others thoughts on it.
Every so often someone will sign up a family member that lives in another area. They may wish to learn more about doTerra or build their own team. How do the rest of you feel about that? Do you welcome them or not because they aren't one of your own?
My thought was that I'd welcome them even if it didn't directly benefit me. Their contacts may reinforce some of my own and the more interactions with doTerra the more likely someone is to try it. If they have a better connection with me, then they will come to me. But there are many that feel strongly the opposite.
So I'd love to hear others opinions on this - stressing of course that I don't believe there is one right answer and the intention isn't to start an argument, just some brain storming.

-- Ginny Eiseman
Healing Coach&  doTerra IPC#93188
(907) 225-8026

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