Saturday, January 28, 2012

RE: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Someone with SEVERE post war issues

There is also EMDR that many are finding helpful.

> Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 17:30:14 -0800
> Subject: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Someone with SEVERE post war issues
> From:
> To:
> Thank you for all the great suggestions. I will look into EFT. I
> know they are seeking counseling in some way, but maybe this would
> work better for them? I will be passing along the information to her
> right away so I can get her started on oils and on their way to
> healing.
> On Jan 27, 3:04 pm, healthandwellness365 <>
> wrote:
> > Hello to all of you,
> >
> > I am in major need of help and direction on this.  I received a call
> > today from a friend of my sisters who is wanting something better than
> > prescription meds for herself and her family.  When we started talking
> > about health issues, she started off with her son suffers from ADHD.
> > I was thinking NO Problem, then she really hit me with all kinds of
> > health issues her husband and herself suffer with on a daily basis.  I
> > had to ask her to email me everything in order for me to research and
> > get her as much information as I could.  Here is the body of her
> > email:
> >
> > Me:
> >
> > *ADHD
> >
> > *hypervigalent due to thewarand sexual assult
> >
> > *mild PTSD due towar
> >
> > *crazy mood swings ~ have trouble keeping my emotions in check and not
> > freaking out. It's almost like an impulse and hard to contain. I'm on
> > welbutin and trazadone for depression.
> >
> > *Severe allergies~ I take zyrtec every day of my life or I get itchy
> > hives all over my body. I have sensiteve skin so scratching produces
> > whelps. My last allergy test I was allergic to all 50 things they
> > tested my back for. The doc said he has never seen anything like it
> > before. I'm fine as long as I take the meds but if I'm off it for 1-2
> > days it gets bad.
> >
> > *Migranes~ Never used to get them or headaches for that matter until
> > 2007 when I deployed to Iraq for 15 month. I'm severly allergic to
> > dust. So, I don't know if it's the sun or my allergies or that I'm in
> > my 30s and everything seems to be changing.
> >
> > Son:
> >
> > *ADHD~ takes the lowest dosage of concerta but it's meth based and I'd
> > like to get him off it and be all natural. He only gets it on school
> > days and not the weekends or the summer or holidays
> >
> > Husband:
> >
> > *Bad Joints due to infantry 12 years and multiple wars
> >
> > *Shoulder & Knee surgerys and going in for back surgery
> >
> > *Extreme PTSD and multipule brain injurys ~ he has done extensive
> > rehab for this
> >
> > *Hypervigalent
> >
> > *Depression
> >
> > *Can be homicidal and suicidal (not so much anymore since we've been
> > seeking help)
> >
> > *Quick to anger over little things that are insignificant
> >
> > *Anxiety-bad! I do all the shopping he can't go into public too well
> > unless he takes Xanex but he tries and does little adventures so he
> > doesn't back track how far we have come.
> >
> > *Migraines due to explosions
> >
> > *Blood in his stool due to stress and all the meds they want to put
> > him on
> >
> > *Horrible Night Terrors & Sweats-this has been going on since 2003. We
> > married in 2006 and it's every night no exceptions. Well, if he's
> > wasted he actually sleeps well but we have been sober for 120 days.
> > Alcohol makes him mean so alcohol is gone. He maybe sleeps 1-2 hours
> > at a time. Constant nightmares which disturbes his sleep every night.
> > I've actually been thrown 15 feet from the bed in a night terror. He
> > does't remember these things. With this he has poor sleep which
> > affects EVERYTHING mentioned above. I do believe if we could get him a
> > full nights sleep without sleep meds he would be less depressed and
> > have more energy.
> >
> > I would REALLY like to help her out with these concerns she has.  I
> > could only imagine how it is in her house and I would love to be able
> > to turn all that around with oils.  It sounds like they get
> > psychiatric help with a lot of what they went through in thewar, and
> > now, they are wanting to avoid all the prescriptions that are being
> > prescribed to them with natural products.
> >
> > If anyone has testimonials that I could send her way, that would be
> > extremely helpful.
> >
> > Thank you in advance for all of your help on this matter.
> >
> > Rachel
> --
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