Friday, January 27, 2012

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS)

Hi, Hans!

I'm reading your post, trying to determine what it you want to
accomplish. If you are simply looking to soothe your friend's
symptoms, you can do that relatively inexpensively. If you are
looking for something more, we have that, as well. You don't see
posts about ALS as much because it isn't as common as other ailments.
But it is increasing. It can be complicated to deal with because it
involves stimulating repair of the nervous system. Complicated but
not impossible. We have had great results with ALS and our essential
oils and supplements, but ONLY when an individual is willing to follow
directions TO THE LETTER. If they are not willing to do the basics
and follow the program, they may feel it a waste of time and money to
proceed with purchasing. Especially with advanced cases, it is
frustrating to witness someone taking half-steps and not seeing the
results they desire. If you want the results I get, you have to
follow directions completely.

That said, these are the recommendations I make for someone struggling
with Lou Gehrig's:
Eliminate refined flour, sugar, and artificial flavors and sweeteners.
Eliminate soda pop, especially diet soda (these assault the nervous
system and often are the root cause of the issue)
Drink A MINIMUM of 1 gallon of good, pure water daily, with Lime and
Lemon oils added to it (Lemon cleanses the systems, Lime cleanses but
also protects the nervous system--- important!). The water can be any
temperature you like, but must be ONLY water (no coffee) with oils.
Start a cleanse with Zendocrine supplement and oil blend. This is a
gentle cleanse, but will offer much-needed support to the liver. I
recommend 1 capsule of the supplement, 3 times daily, with 4 drops of
the oil (topical or internal) 1-2 times daily.
Get started with Lifelong Vitality, starting with one of each
supplement and increasing to a full dosage by the end of the first
month. In advanced cases, we break open the capsules and add them to
food. By the end of the second month, they should be consuming 6 xEO
Mega daily. Some practitioners recommend a triple dose for ALS and
other nervous system disorders.
Balance to the bottoms of the feet and back of the neck, 2-5 times
Frankincense, 3 drops under the tongue 1-2 times daily, and diffused
or inhaled.
Immortelle applied to the brain stem, 3-5 times daily.
AromaTouch Techniques, at least once weekly.
After the first month of cleansing with Zendocrine, we usually step it
up to cleanse with GX Assist and PB Assist. Depending on severity, we
have continued with Zendocrine as a support for the cleansing process.

This protocol can be pretty intense, and will cost your friend some
money, but has also produced fantastic results. You can choose to
enroll them, help them get a New Year New You voucher, turn your Fast
Start check back to them and help them fill out their voucher. Where
there is a will, there is a way. It is fascinating to witness this
particular ailment affecting more people. I receive new 3-4 calls
from new people asking about ALS each week. But the results of this
protocol speak for themselves. Even though you will hear that it is
incurable, there is no hope and you can merely prolong the inevitable
with this illness, we are finding that it is true that "you can
eliminate even a predisposition to disease with proper nutrition".
Hooray! But you have to trade effort and investment to get the

Love, Tamalu

On Jan 25, 11:03 pm, Hans Johsens <> wrote:
> I have read what little is written on and Modern
> Essentials regarding Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS). I am looking for more
> information on it, such as some more detailed protocols etc..
>  I have a friend who is in the advanced stages of ALS, still ambulatory but
> they have the motorized wheelchair sitting in the living room (if you know
> what I mean). He has difficulty swallowing so pills are pretty much a no-go
> (xEO MEGA is recommended). He cannot sign up and commit to anything as it
> looks like they will be out of money very soon and I am not looking to get
> him to. I just want to help him out.I can give him some of the oils but
> money is very tight for us as well, I need to know what to use and how to
> use it so we don't waste any time and oils experimenting trying to figure
> things out.
> Any advice? Please help!!!
> Hans
> --
> Hans Johsens
> Lone Star Apiaries (Honey sales, beekeeping advice and swarm collection)

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