Monday, November 22, 2010

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Stephen Johnson's Syndrome


The research that has been done on SJS, states that this is caused from either
residual effects from a number of auto immune diseases or medications. It is
thought to arise from a disorder of the immune system. 

At this point the cause is not the problem as much as what can be done to 
help him. 

You will need to build his immune system and cleanse, cleanse, cleanse.

I would start the GX Cleanse followed by a good PB Assist, and I would do
the recommended cleanse, complete it, wait 10 days and repeat, complete
and wait 10 days and repeat. This is done three times.

While doing the cleanse I would also do a drop of Melissa and a drop of OnGuard
held on the roof of the mouth twice a day, morning and evening. Depending on his 
age, if he does not want it on the roof of the mouth just drop it under his tongue,
let it sit for a bit and then he can drink water. You just want to absorb the oils
into his body the quickest way possible.

Again depending on his age I would also start him on the LLV. 

Is he old enough to understand muscle testing? I have done MT on children as
young as 9. They are quite open to it.

Watching his diet will also be extremely important. If possible he could make a leap
to raw foods, lots of fruit and veggies. NO SODA!! It compromises the immune system
and will fight the good things he will be doing.

The key to any protocol will be consistency and being aggressive in the treatment.

Blessing to him and his family,


On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Janae <> wrote:
My friend's son may have Stephen Johnson's Syndrome, a condition
affecting the skin in which cell death causes the epidermis to
separate from the dermis. Are there specific oils that have been
successful with with this condition?

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