Wednesday, October 30, 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Aroma Lite

Thank you everybody for your input, it really helps in making a decision. I totally agree with going all doTerra products and supporting the company, but when you're new to doTerra and struggling to get all the oils, a purchase of $90 is huge.  So if I'm going to spend that much money, and buying two for gifts, I want to make sure I'm getting the best one.  The Whisper isn't a "cheaper" model as far as I can tell, and the reviews and videos are really helpful when you're are trying to make a decision. I believe the Whisper has a 1 year limited warranty, so not sure what that entails, and if it works out to be about the same as doTerra's 90 day. I think I was looking  more at the features and was frustrated that doTerra didn't have a more detailed description, so that I could make a more informed decision. Love doTerra, just a struggling newbie ;)

On Friday, October 25, 2013 11:47:09 AM UTC-7, wrote:
I'm hoping that there's enough people out there that have bought the Aroma Lite and have an opinion. Also, would be great if somebody could give me more detailed comparison with the Whisper unit. Aroma Tools has very detailed description of the Whisper unit, but not finding as detailed description with the Aroma Lite at doTerra. It's alot of money to spend, and I would like to make sure I'm making the right decision. What's doTerra's return policy for something like diffusers? 

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