Saturday, November 21, 2009

[Everything doTERRA] labored breathing (huffing and puffing)

An 83 years old (84 in March) friend has been having a difficult
time. She can't go out and do the things she would like to do because
she has problems breathing and becomes exhausted quickly..

After an auto accident (the car went off the side of the road and they
went down about 70 feet until a tree stopped the car. Her sister (the
driver) died as a result of her injuries from the accident. She had
no apparent injuries, however since the accident she has been
experiencing more difficulty breathing. Her huffing and puffing is
most noticeable and more pronounced with any activity like getting out
of chair and walking across a room. By the time she gets from the
apartment to car(right outside the garage door) she is exhausted.

This has been going on for over a year but became more pronounced
since she moved from CA it Denver, CO (mile high).

She has undergone a number of tests but has received no diagnosis or
help with the problem. She has however been told she has a leaky
valve between the lungs and heart.

She has had a pacemaker for a number of years.

Can you help me shed any light on this? What would you recommend?


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