Thursday, November 28, 2013

[Everything doTERRA] fear of failing and possibly wasting oils

I would say that in most cases you wouldn't need to use both Eucalyptus and Breathe at the same time. It's kinda hard to answer this question because everybody's bodies react differently. Part of that means that you may have to experiment. If one child is not seeming to benefit from Breathe then you may have to test other oils. With little ones, their bodies are a lot smaller, so you don't want to overdo it. For example, when I put On Guard on my 2 children's feet, I put on drop in my hand and then put about a 1/8-1/4 tsp of coconut oil to dilute. That will cover both their feet and probably mine as well. If I had 3 children I would still only use one drop, maybe just a bit more carrier oil. If I were to use a hot oil somewhere else on my kids' bodies, I'd use less than a drop and more carrier. You can do this by swiping the top of the reducer orifice or by putting your finger over the hole and then tipping the bottle so you just get a bit on your finger. Keep in mind that less more often is better than more less often. So only use a drop and then a couple of hours later apply again.
If you see a recipe that calls for a combination of oils, then by all means use the recipe, but if it's just a list in the ME book then it's not necessarily a recipe. In that case you may want to use one oil and then use a different oil later when you are doing a reapplication. You may find that one particular oil on the list works way better for your acute symptoms. If that's the case, then there is no reason the use the others that are listed. Stick with what works. It's trial and error. The ME book is awesome and helpful and people are individual, so that is why they typically have more than one recommended oil.

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