On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 7:39 AM, Patricia Leavitt <doterradiscover@gmail.com> wrote:
In my opinion (asked for or not) I have found that muscle testing and the Zyto scan are accurate.
Some people just don't want to believe in something they don't understand and that is just fine.
I have muscle tested many people (many many) and some of them have opted to have the Zyto
scan before or after the muscle testing and without fail the same oils come up. There are times that
others come up also and you just have to let your body have control over what will work best for you.
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 1:48 AM, Sandra Baker <eatrawlivelonger@gmail.com> wrote:If you don't like it, don't use it. I personally find it to be right on target.
On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 11:40 AM, robinpsantos@yahoo.com <robinpsantos@yahoo.com> wrote:
I like to google questions on the internet. When I googled "Is doTERRA
a scam ?", I could not find a thing, even when there was a link with
those words, once I read the article, they said they investigated the
company and found it to be a very upstanding business. I did the same
thing for Zytoscan and the Indigo Biofeedback machine and came up with
lengthy reports questioning the integrity of these machines. I in no
way presented this link to "bash" the tool. My intention is to keep
the focus on the stellar reputation of doTERRA and avoid any
connection to anything that could harm the company. I would love to
see an unbiased report about the accuracy of Zytoscan. You
misunderstood my intentions. If there were reports that this machine
is 90%+ accurate and was backed by a scientific report that was not
conducted by the creators of Zytoscan, then I am all for sharing that
info and promoting the product along with doTERRA. Muscle testing and
the pendulum are not always accurate, but at least it doesn't cost
hundreds of dollars to own, plus a monthly fee. No rolling eyes here,
just trying to get the facts.....
On Apr 27, 11:19 am, Ginny Eiseman <gi...@kpunet.net> wrote:
> Your reasoning is very logical. What it doesn't take into account
> is the the information that Zyto provides in the video you watch as you
> are being scanned, which is that because of the first reading the scan
> itself disrupts your electromagnic field so that changes your reading
> and the second reading is inaccurate.
> I have personally given hundreds of Zyto scans and about 80% of the
> time I get a wide eyed look and a 'how did it know that' comment. I also
> use the emotional healing and it often answers questions why odd oils
> come up. Since Terrashield often comes up and is one of the most
> confusing oils, I can tell you my very first scan it came up. I couldn't
> figure out why but I got a bottle and from the moment I smelled that oil
> I was in love. I craved that oil for months. No whether it was the lyme
> disease, the negative energy or allergies, I don't know as I have all of
> them but I still use that oil all the time. I muscle tested and
> Terrashield also came up number one (I did them blindfolded).
> So my opinion, and it is just my opinion, the Zyto is a wonderful
> tool that I dearly love. Muscle testing can be good too but it requires
> being in touch with your body and some faith. I've seen lots of people
> that don't believe in the Zyto but will try it anyway but with muscle
> testing, particularly in ultra conservative, red-neck, backwoods Alaska,
> mention it and people look at you like you are crazy and all credibility
> is out the window. What it all comes down to is what you feel
> comfortable with and believe in. If you don't believe in the Zyto, it is
> a waste of money and time for you. All I ask is that you don't bash it
> for the rest of us, we don't roll our eyes and look at you like you are
> crazy when you mention muscle testing.
> gin
> On 4/25/2012 1:12 PM, Kent wrote:
> > Laura, all I am saying is that the reliability of a tool like Zyto is
> > the consistency of the results; which, they are not with Zyto. If I
> > do two Zyto scans side-by-side within one setting (within an hour,
> > where nothing should have changed health wise), and you get different
> > results, then those results are not consistent. There shouldn't be a
> > difference in the results within 15 minutes to an hour. It is the
> > same as if I was to go to the doctor do get an xray. If I do two
> > xrays side by side within an hour of each other, they should be same,
> > and they will. If you don't believe me, and you own a Zyto, try it
> > and see if your results are not different. If they are different, the
> > output is totally worthless, and can't be trusted. It is no surprise
> > that Zyto company wants you to do a scan within month of each other so
> > you don't catch the inconsistencies of their scan. I am really
> > surprised that people don't see a problem with this.
> > Another way of looking at it is if I do a muscle test and find that my
> > body needs a certain oil, and try it again an hour later, I get the
> > same results. My experience with a muscle test is I get the same
> > results, so I can trust those results. My body hasn't changed within
> > an hour, so the results should not be different. With Zyto, that does
> > not happen, and I dare call it a scam. If someone can prove that
> > results from two Zyto tests within an hours time are exactly the same,
> > I am more than happy to eat my fair share of crow.
> > --
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