Wednesday, May 2, 2012

[Everything doTERRA] Re: seaonal allergies and fluid in ear-16mo. old

For the fluid, basil around the outside of ear and down jaw line.
Also put a few drops on a small cotton ball and place at ear opening
if you can. For the allergies (this will also help with ear fluid), 2
drops each of lavender, lemon and peppermint in honey or juice. If
she wont take that, layer on bottom of feat.

On May 2, 7:49 am, Jennifer Kleiss <>
> My daughter has just recently started taking allergy medicine
> (singular) that was prescribed by an allergist last wk. The reason we
> went to see an allergist in the first place was b/c after playing for
> 1 hr. outside a few wks. ago my daughter broke out in hives on her
> face due to what the allergist thinks is pollen, seaonal allergens.
> She said my daughter had fluid in both of her ears, no infection
> though. I have noticed that she has been off balance lately and she
> doesn't like me messing with her ears. She used to not mind if I
> cleaned her ears.
> I was hoping someone could recommend an oil to use for seaonal
> allergies and an oil to help drain the fluid in her ears. I would
> rather not have to give her an allergy med everyday......she's so
> young. The allergist scared me too b/c she said if she continues to
> have fluid in her ears it could delay her speech development.
> Thank you!!
> Jennifer Kleiss

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