Wednesday, May 2, 2012

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Irritability, impatience and mood swings

Wow, you could have been talking about me.... You might consider
trying whisper. I used whisper for hormones and it really helped with
the manic ups and downs. I rubbed it behind my ears every time I
needed it and for sure at bedtime and in the morning. Now I don't
"need" it. I have heard people use frankincense for their depression
as well, a couple drops under the tongue twice a day.

Feel free to write directly to me if you need someone to chat


On May 2, 4:15 pm, <> wrote:
> I know you will find an oil to help!  Meanwhile, a handful of cashews has the same effect as 5mg of Prozac.  :)
> Riki L. Evans, B.Msc.
> Radiant Living,
> Sent from my HTC smartphone
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Josamali" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: [Everything doTERRA] Irritability, impatience and mood swings
> Date: Wed, May 2, 2012 1:58 pm
> I've been on Prozac for a number of years to help level the pendulum of my mood swings.  The Prozac has helped tremendously to keep my moods from fluctuating quite so much, but I'm looking for a non-prescription alternative.  I have been using Balance and Serenity for a couple of months, but haven't noticed much effect.  I've also tried the Peaceful Child Blend, but again, not much difference. PCB is pretty stinky too.  My kids don't like it and keep asking me why I smell bad. (lol)  My anger issues began to seriously become an issue when I had my second child and experienced a pretty severe case of postpartum depression.  That's when my doc prescribed the Prozac.  Since then I think my postpartum depression has manifested itself by becoming anger, impatience, irritability and general discontent.  I am terribly impatient with my children, my husband and myself.  My marriage is suffering as is my relationships with my children.  I am terribly restless, negative, irritable and crabby.  I don't sleep well either.  I can get to sleep, but wake up 7-8 times throughout the night and never achieve any restful restorative sleep.I don't want to have to get another prescription for Prozac, but I'm at my wits end.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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