Friday, November 20, 2009

Re: [Everything doTERRA] warts

you go girl!!!!!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Everything doTERRA] warts

I started the GX Assist a few days ago and I am already noticing my wart getting smaller. I am not even doing any oils topically on it. I will let you know what happens when I am finished. Also they recommend taking the probiotics after the cleanse.
Is your dad on the Life Long Wellness Pack? If not, that is where he needs to begin. Some oils that would be good: rosemary, marjoram, deep blue, wintergreen, basil.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Mommy T <> wrote:
My sister's son has a wart that i guess is huge on his finger that is
spreading under his nail bed.  He has had it burned off 2 times and it
still returnes.  I talked her into trying the oils instead of going to
a specialist, and am praying they work. (I know they will)  I told her
to use Oregano, melaluka, and Lemon, and to take them internally and
externally.  Her son is 9.  My questions are:  1) are those the best
oils? 2) if he does a yeast cleanse what is the ratio of drops for a
boy this age?  3) Can he be taking pro-biotic while he doing a yeast
cleanse (this question applies to friend of mine with chrones also) or
is it not effective to take both at the same time?
The probiotice they both are taking is the shake from isagenix, if any
of you are familiar with that.

One more question - my dad sufferes from osteo-arthritis. If he sits
or stands to long he can hardly stand it.  Does anyone know which oils
work best to help this?

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