Messages In This Digest (10 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Swine Flu vaccinations, Healthy Swine flu tips From: Sue Ananian
- 1b.
- Re: Swine Flu vaccinations, Healthy Swine flu tips From: Vickie Washburn
- 2a.
- Re: hey have anine moth old son From: Stephanie K. Burke
- 2b.
- Re: hey have anine moth old son From:
- 3a.
- Re: Advice From: Jill Militello
- 3b.
- Advice From: paulintina
- 3c.
- Re: Advice From: Jennifer Livernois
- 3d.
- Re: Advice From:
- 3e.
- Re: Advice From: S.Moghaddam
- 3f.
- Re: Advice From: Lindsey Petersen
- 1a.
Re: Swine Flu vaccinations, Healthy Swine flu tips
Posted by: "Sue Ananian" sananiancmt
Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:12 am (PST)
Hi Ladies,
I have become a hositic health practitioner due to years of chronic
illness. At that time I was under doctors care, which was necessary and all
I knew at the time. Long story.... All I gleaned from that time was
hopelessness, no answers and by doctor decree was eating enough asprin per
day until my ears stopped ringing, which was usually 21 per day for about 4
years= and this was specialist anfter specialist. Thru this I began
looking for some real answers and begain a personal study of wellness, which
turned into a proffession. I now work with people all aroung the world.
All of this just shows where I am coming from and how I live my life, which
is with empwerment - for me and you.
I am still in bed with probably the Swine Flu. Nasy thing this virus is, no
doubt. However, MY belief is that our bodies are amazing vehicles and just
need the support it needs to recover and heal. Btw, I am not anti-vaccine,
but rather green vaccine. I personally dont like the ingredients in the
vaccines of today and wonder the possible outcomes are for the babies and
young are. And I know that pregnant women and young moms have some tought
decisions to make right now. My heart is with each of you. I'm grateful
that my kids are older and I don't have to deal with this issue - its tough,
I know.
Tell me with all the technology out there, that a safe vaccine can't be
created? I don't buy it and I believe you ladies are right, WE are the
advocates for ourselves and our children. But by media and large pharma. we
are being trained to be sheep. Not the governent. I was on the and
other government websites researching this issue and according to one study
I found that our government is not proponing this vaccination, but the
makers are. And there is huge money to be made now.
So, I'm still in bed and this is what I did for my recovery. Yours may be
similar or different, and that's ok. I think it would be great to create a
new thread = healthy treatments for Swine Flu and give others ideas,
support, hope. Why should each of us recreate the wheel. Easier to create
a tribe of like-minded and share with those what we feel is our truth. Why
recreate the wheel when we can share and grow together and support one
another and empower?
This is my treatment plan.
- I have a good complimentary support system: doctors who are willing to
work with my beliefs and are good at theirs, Medical Massage Therapists,
Jikiden Reiki and The Ensofic Ray Healing, theraputic grade of essential
oils, good food and water, meditation and a great homeopath. So when we
need help, I call the therapist who can tackle the situation most
effectively. Sometimes it may be more than 1.
- Have a good homeopath (preferrable by a referral - or talk to on the
phone, etc to get a feel). If your happy, great. If not switch. They take
a detailed medical intake and then match a remedy to the issue. This is
great for the physical, mental, emotional and spirtual issues. I've found a
great one and have used her for 17 years now for my family and self. Helps
the angry teen, the allergy ridden, anxiety, the flu (reg and Swine Flu,
etc. This homeopath can do phone consults and then send the remedy via the
mail. Email me if you need a good referral
- Jikiden Reiki and The Ensophic Ray Healing - go on line and do a
search for someone close. Doing this long distance is as effective as in
- Chicken Soup. Put some garlic in the broth, it's a great natural
- hydrate, hydrate. Gatorade is great for the electrolites.
- Whatever you can keep down, eat
- And rest, rest, rest.
Some of the stuff above is what my7 mom did. And alot of the stuff comes
from my education with my illness. And guess what, it works, moms rock!
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 10:11 AM, cat_re04 < > wrote:
> I am not getting the swine flu vaccine for myself or my son (2 years old),
> but I did get him the seasonal flu shot. When he got sick afterwards, 2 days
> later I took him to the doc. (I know most people are saying it's a dead
> virus so it's not related, but I think it may be). So the doc said it's just
> a cold, but since he had a high fever I was nervous. I asked "could it be
> swine flu, do you test for it?" She said that her office doesn't test for
> it, and the places that are- they are using a swab test which is ONLY 50%
> accurate. So we really don't know. And we absolutely can't rely 100% on the
> docs. We need to research ourselves, and have a healthy lifestyle. Loads of
> fruits and veggies. My son loves junk food, thanks to his father, but I'm
> working on stopping that. :-) Take care of your families because NO one else
> will do it quite as good as you can!
> - 1b.
Re: Swine Flu vaccinations, Healthy Swine flu tips
Posted by: "Vickie Washburn" ickyscuba
Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:43 am (PST)
I second all you have said here. I am a believer in less is more when it comes to medicine, drs. & big pharma. My grandson (10 mo old) and daughter (24 yrs old) both had swine flu (confirmed by test on the baby) and both were over it in 4 days. I believe it is because their systerms were strong and also because this is not much different than the regular flu. If you are one of those or your child is one of those with a fragile system then by all means do whatever you need to. Get them to the dr. quick or to the hospital quick if they get sick with this stuff. There is a lot we can do to keep our immune systems strong naturally. Research research research. Keep your body and your childs body alkaline not acidic by eating alkaline foods - this will help prevent a whole gambit of diseases both now and later in life. Teach your child to eat this way and you are teaching them to be healthy for life!
Good news is if you are over age of 49 swine flu is not an issue as we were all exposed to it in the 70's so have natural immunity. Other good news is that once you have it you have immunity to this strain. At least that is what I am told by medical pro's I have talked to.
Loved your post Sue. Health is a journey we must all take. We are all responsible for our own health. Not the Dr. Not big Pharma. they are in business to make money not because they care about your health or mine. Some may but they are the rare gem. If you find one of those, hang on to them!
_____________________ _________ __
From: Sue Ananian < >
To: mompowergroup@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thu, November 19, 2009 2:08:43 PM
Subject: Re: [mompowergroup] Re: Swine Flu vaccinations, Healthy Swine flu tips
Hi Ladies,
I have become a hositic health practitioner due to years of chronic illness. At that time I was under doctors care, which was necessary and all I knew at the time. Long story.... All I gleaned from that time was hopelessness, no answers and by doctor decree was eating enough asprin per day until my ears stopped ringing, which was usually 21 per day for about 4 years= and this was specialist anfter specialist. Thru this I began looking for some real answers and begain a personal study of wellness, which turned into a proffession. I now work with people all aroung the world. All of this just shows where I am coming from and how I live my life, which is with empwerment - for me and you.
I am still in bed with probably the Swine Flu. Nasy thing this virus is, no doubt. However, MY belief is that our bodies are amazing vehicles and just need the support it needs to recover and heal. Btw, I am not anti-vaccine, but rather green vaccine. I personally dont like the ingredients in the vaccines of today and wonder the possible outcomes are for the babies and young are. And I know that pregnant women and young moms have some tought decisions to make right now. My heart is with each of you. I'm grateful that my kids are older and I don't have to deal with this issue - its tough, I know.
Tell me with all the technology out there, that a safe vaccine can't be created? I don't buy it and I believe you ladies are right, WE are the advocates for ourselves and our children. But by media and large pharma. we are being trained to be sheep. Not the governent. I was on the and other government websites researching this issue and according to one study I found that our government is not proponing this vaccination, but the makers are. And there is huge money to be made now.
So, I'm still in bed and this is what I did for my recovery. Yours may be similar or different, and that's ok. I think it would be great to create a new thread = healthy treatments for Swine Flu and give others ideas, support, hope. Why should each of us recreate the wheel. Easier to create a tribe of like-minded and share with those what we feel is our truth. Why recreate the wheel when we can share and grow together and support one another and empower?
This is my treatment plan.
* I have a good complimentary support system: doctors who are willing to work with my beliefs and are good at theirs, Medical Massage Therapists, Jikiden Reiki and The Ensofic Ray Healing, theraputic grade of essential oils, good food and water, meditation and a great homeopath. So when we need help, I call the therapist who can tackle the situation most effectively. Sometimes it may be more than 1.
* Have a good homeopath (preferrable by a referral - or talk to on the phone, etc to get a feel). If your happy, great. If not switch. They take a detailed medical intake and then match a remedy to the issue. This is great for the physical, mental, emotional and spirtual issues. I've found a great one and have used her for 17 years now for my family and self. Helps the angry teen, the allergy ridden, anxiety, the flu (reg and Swine Flu, etc. This homeopath can do phone consults and then send the remedy via the mail. Email me if you need a good referral sue@theinnerpathonl
* Jikiden Reiki and The Ensophic Ray Healing - go on line and do a search for someone close. Doing this long distance is as effective as in person.
* Chicken Soup. Put some garlic in the broth, it's a great natural antibiotic
* hydrate, hydrate. Gatorade is great for the electrolites.
* Whatever you can keep down, eat
* And rest, rest, rest.
Some of the stuff above is what my7 mom did. And alot of the stuff comes from my education with my illness. And guess what, it works, moms rock!
- 2a.
Re: hey have anine moth old son
Posted by: "Stephanie K. Burke" wymzie
Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:14 am (PST)
Nine months is too old for colic. He is probably teething. All day and
all night?
Take him to the doctor.
Lynette Mary wrote:
> Also, most babies at this age suffer from infantile colic. Check this
> link and see if your baby has any of these symptoms... If so, this is
> a common thing, one method that has worked out for my friend was to
> pat the baby after every feed she has. But if you are really worried
> that something is wrong, it would be better to go to her doctor.
> http://www.medicine article.htm
> Regards
> Raina
- 2b.
Re: hey have anine moth old son
Posted by: "" lilandandysmom
Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:46 am (PST)
My son Andy (now 7yo) had colic at 5 months, but we had just moved to this
house. I thought he was WAY too old too, but the doctor said he wasn't.
She couldn't find anything wrong with him. He wasn't cutting teeth yet,
but she thought all of the stress of moving that we were ALL under was
causing it. He cried for several hours in the afternoon everyday and would NOT
self-soothe in ANY way. I would walk him and walk him and he'd just keep
crying. He then proceeded to eat all night long, but it was better than
crying. i feel for what you must be going through!
I would definitely take him into the doctor though. It seems excessive
that he's crying all day AND all night. Poor Mom too! Does he spit up?
Andy also had reflux from age 3 weeks to age 6 months.
Let us know how it's going!
Mom to Lillian 9, Andersen 7, Harrison and Malcolm (identical boys) 5
In a message dated 11/20/2009 8:14:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Nine months is too old for colic. He is probably teething. All day and
all night?
Take him to the doctor.
- 3a.
Re: Advice
Posted by: "Jill Militello" jem060504
Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:16 am (PST)
I am sorry but I have to disagree Children are always first not your spouse.
--- On Thu, 11/19/09, Vickie Washburn < > wrote:
I believe your husband is right, he does come first. My belief is that in each of our lives it should be God our spouse then our children then the rest of the world. If your husband has tried to be a loving father to her and is not abusive then he should come first. If he is abusive that is a whole nother
issue and then I would leave.
- 3b.
Posted by: "paulintina" paulintina
Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:19 am (PST)
Hi Kim,
Totally understand your situation and totally agree with the advice being given. A womens love for her child is complete, not the same for a man (usually).
I watched my Mom, Pops(Step Father) and father go through pretty much the same with my sister. Except in that situation my Mom and Pops NEVER gave up, where as our father DID. Caused huge problems because she wanted nothing more then to please her father.
With myself I got caught taken the car without permission not the money thing but we did work through it and no charges were laid and today I'm grateful. I am now going through lots of problems with my own daughter stealing, running, just out of control. I have gone to everyone for help with none to be found or so I thought. Finally we have found a consellor that is awesome (all of us have) and she is turning around. I don't and won't have a man in the family at least not yet anyway, not ready - kids first. I did make that mistake for a 6 month period and like you said he thought he should come before the kids - NOT - almost got sucked in though.
Long and short with the charges part - they have what is called a diversion program here, which would mean IF they do everything they are suppose to there will be NO RECORD PERIOD!! Not sure if you have this where you are - I would think if you approached her lawyer, the
Crown or the Judge one of them might be able to help.
Tough love is one thing but turning your back - can't believe he would even ask that of you.
My prayers go out to you and your daughter for sure!!
- 3c.
Re: Advice
Posted by: "Jennifer Livernois" jenniferlivernois
Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:43 am (PST)
Children do come first..get therapy for your helpless child. She is still a
child until she turns 18. Read about tough love...Google it. Don't waste
any more of your precious time online here, take care of your daughter NOW,
before she starts becoming out of control and or volatile towards you and/or
My prayers are with you.
- 3d.
Re: Advice
Posted by: "" boosutherland
Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:44 am (PST)
Definitely the best advice out of all. Yes, even mine!!! lol
so glad to hear that things have turned around for you and yours. I have
experienced the diversion program with my daughter too and it helped so much.
Thank you, Eliza
- 3e.
Re: Advice
Posted by: "S.Moghaddam" sfayazmoghadam
Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:48 am (PST)
I am sorry too but think both of them are importand and plz try your best to make a calm situation for family.
Take care
- 3f.
Re: Advice
Posted by: "Lindsey Petersen" fivekidswdisabilities
Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:48 am (PST)
*I think everyone in the family is of equal importance. The children take
up a lot of time and it is helpful to have both parents around. I truly
love my children and spend tons of time with them, but I love my husband
also and I must spend quality time with him in order to make him feel loved
and as though the kids don't always come first. It is stressful enough
taking care of children with disabilities that my husband and I need to feel
loved and supported by each other. He likewise spends the time to make me
feel loved. It should not be hard to do. A kiss goodbye with a "Have a
Good Day" in the morning. A call during the day to see how he's doing.
Cuddling at night. Small over night trips. *
*It takes a lot of extra effort to love a significant other when it takes so
much effort to raise and love our children with disabilities, but it is
worth it in the long run. Underestimating the amount of love and
"attention" a spouse needs may be the reason some families of children with
disabilities get divorced. It is so easy to get caught up in the care of our
children and their problems that it can be difficult to remember that there
is another member of the family who is hurting and stressed out. My husband
and I have been taking care of children for more than 28 years, and we have
been married for 35!*
*For more "tips" on spouses, check out my blog at *
http://5kidswdisabilities.wordpress .com
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Jill Militello < > wrote:
> I am sorry but I have to disagree Children are always first not your
> spouse.
> Jill
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