Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Re: [Everything doTERRA] sprained wrist

I would use Aroma Touch and Melaleuca


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Mai Pham <> wrote:

sprained wrist what oil do I need to use 
Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 24, 2013, at 11:53 PM, wrote:


    Linda Mustric <> Jun 24 07:10PM -0700  

    Me too! I have put terrashield drops on some cotton balls and stuck them
    in the shelving. But it seemed to make it worse! I keep vacuuming them
    (and dumping the vacuum bin in the garage) but they are still quite
    On Monday, June 24, 2013 3:36:18 PM UTC-4, Brenda Holt wrote:


    Maria Brady <> Jun 24 08:53PM -0700  

    I do not know what oil to suggest. However I had them really bad 2 years
    ago. I pulled everything out looking for what was drawing them. I opened
    a tin that I had put unshelled pecans in. They flew out in droves, and
    they appeared to be nesting in there. Tin top was very tight and hard to
    get off, so I believe the larvae may have been in the shells when I
    gathered them and put them in the can. I washed everything very good in
    the cabinet and found little webs in the corners of the cabinet and cleaned
    those very good. I washed with a few drops of OnGuard and Lemon. They did
    not come back.
    They just sort of died off in the room.
    Hope this helps. I would search for the location they are gathering and
    look for tiny webs.

    On Monday, June 24, 2013 3:36:18 PM UTC-4, Brenda Holt wrote:


    Ellen W West <ellenwwest@YAHOO.COM> Jun 24 11:42PM -0700  

    You have to find the source. It is probably an unopened box that actually
    has product in the box out of the bag. If you do not find ground zero they
    will never leave! Every single item in your pantry must be examined. I
    always put my grain products into my DEEP FREEZER for 48 hours or more
    before bringing them into my home. The eggs can be in new product and hatch
    and eat their way through most containers! Then kill them with terrashield
    on cotton balls.
    On Monday, June 24, 2013 12:36:18 PM UTC-7, Brenda Holt wrote:


    Ellen W West <ellenwwest@YAHOO.COM> Jun 24 11:36PM -0700  

    You can also drop more drops under your tongue several times a day. Up to 5
    drops each time. Doing a great job!


    Janyce <> Jun 24 10:16PM -0700  

    Jan in Florida, would you please send me Dr. Hill's protocol for
    neurapathy? (or anyone else who has it. I have a client leaving for
    India who wants to take the oils to his father. Thanks very much. Janyce
    On Saturday, May 1, 2010 10:26:12 AM UTC-7, janinfl wrote:


    Helen Tenney <> Jun 24 08:35PM -0700  

    If you are using it quickly then plastic is probably fine. If it's going to
    be sitting there w/out some type of dispersing agent (soap, salt, etc) then
    On Friday, March 22, 2013 4:35:23 PM UTC-4, Ellen M wrote:


    brenda <> Jun 24 07:09PM -0700  

    Before I got the heavy bleeding under control with LLV and womens
    Phytoestrogen (I love this product)! I used geranium quite frequently. I
    had severe bleeding. On every period I had over the last 24 years, I would
    have a 24 hour period where I thought I would bleed to death! I would go
    through a pad/tampon or both every ten minutes. It was horrid! I would
    (well, this is probably too much information, so I will just withhold a
    picture of myself so no one can put a face to the name!!! haha!!) Anyway,
    I would bleed through the sheets at night and have to put towels down. If
    I stood up I would gush all over. I would go through anywhere from 4 to 7
    pairs of pants on that 24 hour period. I would hesitate to go to church
    even because if I coughed, sneezed, moved, I would gush and be so
    embarrassed if I stood up and it got on the chair! Just imagine getting
    prayer for that!! So, when I would take my son skiing and have no other
    choice I would put geranium on every twenty minutes about three times
    before I left, when I got there, (half hour later) then at lunch, then
    before I came home, and I was fine. I was so impressed, so from then on I
    would use it when I would need it. I was worried that my body would NEED
    to do that so was afraid to stop it every single month (I know, silly),
    anyway, when I went to conference the year they introduced the new womens
    products and heard about phytoestrogen, well, I bought the convention kit.
    I came home and started on the phytoestrogen, and two and a half weeks
    later started my cycle. It was the first "normal" cycle I had had in 24
    years. No leaking through on the sheets, or pants, or anything. It was
    totally normal. Wow, I had forgotten what that was like! I was so excited
    I didn't have to use geranium anymore because the root of the problem was
    fixed. There was one more time when I gave mine away because someone I
    knew had a greater need. Well, I got off the rest of the month and when
    the next cycle came, oh boy, that all came back! So, I got right back on
    and now keep three bottles on my shelf!! Hope this helps and sorry for
    On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 1:20:17 PM UTC-7, Sassy girl wrote:


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