Wednesday, June 26, 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Yorkie with blisters on area after neutering

Poor little guy! Try layering lavender and melaleuca!
This is on the ME site :)

    Drain the blister by disinfecting a needle with Melaleuca (or rubbing alcohol).  Then penetrate the blistered skin and allow the blister to drain.

·    Apply one of the oils (Lavender, Melaleuca, Myrrh) topically, neat every one or two hours to the affected area to reduce pain and prevent infection.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 2:12:02 AM UTC-4, Janyce wrote:

My 4.5 lb Yorkie had his neutering surgery in early May.  He got a clean bill of health from the vet towards end of May.  On Sunday I woke up to him licking like a mad man!  Upon inspection, he had a open wound on one side above where the testicles were.  I immediately put his cone on him (which I happened to have handy) and washed it off and on Monday I took him straight to the vet. 

The vet was puzzled.  She shaved the area to find that there was a blister the exact same size on the other side that had not broken yet.  We could not think how he would have gotten these blisters.  The vet gave me an ointment for topical and an antibiotic for a week and then recheck.  Now, the blister on the other side is huge and purple and looks like it will burst any minute.

I'm quite concerned about this and don't know what else I can be doing for him to heal this up.  It does not seem to be bother him at all.  he is still bouncing around, playing and eating as usual.  But, since these are not covered, they are being rubbed on anything he touches or lays on.

Thank you for ANY ideas or suggestions you can think of.  I have not put oils on him yet because with his size and the problem, I was clueless what to try.  Thanks so much for helping my baby.


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