Thursday, July 23, 2015

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Severe Eczema

Jennifer, thank you for the recipe.  I'd love to know a very trusted source for your raw shea butter.  (Just the same as I wouldn't want to buy just ANY essential oil!  :0) -- We're spoiled w/an amazing eo company! )  Where do you buy yours? 

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Jennifer Lindsey <> wrote:
Dawn, I definitely would recommend a cleanse, but don't have a specific one to try. The "experts" recommend cleansing (detoxing) once or twice a year if your diet includes most of the standard American foods. I'm going to do a 2-day juice cleanse this week, but just really cleaning up her diet could do the same over a couple of weeks, I would think.

However, I do have a specific eczema recipe that I use on my son (now 5-years-old). I've been using it on him for over a year, maybe two years now, and his eczema is gone. All store-bought creams would sting him and the doctor prescribed steroids which I hated to put on him. I found this recipe online and had noticeable results within a few days. This comes from Marie who blogs at Humble Bee and Me. (  I rub it on his bum and legs every night before bed (and on his twin's bum and legs, too, because he likes equal treatment - lol). As long as I continue to rub it on regularly, the itchy rashes don't reappear. However, I've tried to stop using the cream to see if he'd just "outgrown" the eczema like the doctor said he would, but it comes back within about a week :/ So for now, I'll keep up his nightly massage and enjoy his ability to play like a normal kid without stopping to scratch his bum every few minutes :D By the way, after the first batch (once I knew that it was working on him) I began making about 3 or 4 batches at once so I didn't have to make it as often. I melt the shea butter on the stove and let it cool a bit before adding the Vitamin E and essential oils. I keep it in a short glass jam jar. We love it and I hope it works for your client as well!

eczema salve

3 tbsp raw shea butter
½ tsp vitamin E
10 drops cedarwood essential oil
3 drops geranium essential oil
2 drops helichrysum essential oil

Smoosh everything together (you'll likely have to soften the shea a bit in the microwave). Apply twice daily to the effected area until it clears up. Cool!

On Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 2:05:08 PM UTC-5, dawnwilliams514 wrote:
One of my massage clients has severe eczema on her legs.  She's had it for as long as I've known her which is about 6 years now.  As skin is part of the integumentary system, and constitutes the body's first line of defense would she want to start with a cleanse to start the process of healing from the inside out?  If so, what would be helpful? 

As for EOs, her legs are covered with large patches and she states it is itchy.  Is there a blend that would help her to apply topically so she can attach from both directions?  My thought would be geranium, frank, and helichrysum but wonder if there are any recipes available for something like this?

Thank you,


BodyWork by Dawn

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