Monday, November 25, 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: gallbladder problems possibly

I doubt it is gallbladder, because that is on the right side more under the ribcage area.  But what I am thinking is possibly H Pylori, since you said the was in Africa for 7 months, that people contact that when traveling overseas.  This is an easy test, finger stick to check for this. The other thing that comes to mind is possible pancreas, I know when I first thought I was having gallbladder problems, it turned out it was my pancreas which symptoms mimic gallbladder, and it is on the left side of the body.

On Sunday, November 24, 2013 9:45:57 PM UTC-5, Melissa Webster wrote:
My sister is having some issues the doctor thinks with her gallbladder. The tests that she has done so far have come back negative. She doesn't deal with stress very well (many people in our family don't deal with stress easy anyway). All I know is that she is having pain off and on on the left side of her stomach and is finding she can't get certain foods now. She came back from spending 7 months in Africa so aren't sure if something triggered the pain there or not. Another thing she's been doing is falling asleep around 7:30 or 8 and waking up around 10ish for bed, then awake between 3 - 4:30. At first I was I thought her body needed to adjust and may need it still, but is there something to help with this too? I am the only one in my family right now that will use the oils and believes they help though (this might be a problem too.) I know that the oils help out in many ways. If anyone has any suggestions of advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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