Monday, November 25, 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: 19 month old baby + constipation

I would suggest that 15 minutes before you would like her to have a bowel movement you rub Digestzen on his belly with some Rosemary, and drink some warm water. While in daycare you need to insist that she is given significantly more water during the day. I suspect they do not want to deal with the wet diapers and with hold water while she is there, explain that this is a genuine problem and that she also needs additional fiber in her diet so you would like 1/3 to 1/2 tsp of psyllium husks mixed into her applesauce. I get mine at Sprouts in a canister like quaker oats. She should do fine if you add more roughage to her diet but would discuss with her pediatrician if it continues. I am not diagnosing as I am not a doctor but am sharing a suggestion that has worked in our family. Hope it works in yours. 

On Monday, November 25, 2013 6:59:30 PM UTC-7, Sharon Medford wrote:
Hello.  I am new to using oils.  I have a 19 month old that struggles with very hard BMs.  I work full time, so my daughter is in daycare all day.  I suspect she is not getting enough water.  She loves raisins and has them just about every day.  She also gets a 2-4 oz serving of straight prune juice and I have switched her to whole Lactaid milk thinking maybe it would help.  She loves grapes, apples, the Dole fruit cups, those applesauce pouches and even loves raw broccoli.  She hardly eats meat at home and like most kids loves pasta and rice.  We have tried cutting back her pasta and rice intake and have even switched to whole grain pasta and rice.  

I want to avoid having to use Pedia-Lax or Mira-lax so is there a oil I can give to my daughter orally?  Daily?  She had a terrible time tonight trying to pass a BM.  It finally came out a couple hours later after rubbing her belly, pushing her knees up, trying to insert a suppository (which did not stay in), and trying to get her to drink water.  We are heartbroken when she gets to this point.  Some days she doesn't scream and cry when having a BM, but most of the time when she does, they are usually very hard pieces of poop.  

Can someone help with this issue?  I would love to try a more natural and less abrasive approach to this problem.  I am afraid if we don't get a handle on this it will be very hard to potty train or worse she will start holding it!


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