Monday, May 27, 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: What do you think of this quote? Is it true?

I disagree a little:

A friend of mine had something happening to her skin under her mouth. The doctor thought she had impetigo. Later it turned out that it was acute ezcema.
What she did was use a lot of lavender and past tense. I think she used immortelle aswell.
She did it about every 10 minutes. (sometimes a bit longer, but close). The result was that her skin just started to let go of all the fluids it should keep inside.
It was literally dripping from her chin. (not oils but body fluids)

I have not enough knowledge to say the dr is wrong. This is just something i witnessed happening.

Op vrijdag 24 mei 2013 05:36:25 UTC+2 schreef Detoxqueen het volgende:
"The biggest mistake people make is not using essential oils often enough. If you have a significant challenge you should be applying essential oils every 10 minutes. Within 2 minutes of application they are throughout the entire body, and the majority of their effect occurs within the first 10 minutes after application" ---- Dr. Peter Minke

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One capsule a day = A slimmer, healthier YOU!

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