Saturday, May 25, 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: tick bite

Thank you everyone for the advice.  The site of the place where I found the tick does not show any redness or do I need to worry about this again?  The doctor said to take a blood test after a month to see if there are any antibodies.  But don't ticks have to be there for a long time in order for them to spread the infection?

Thanks again

On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:04:07 PM UTC-4, Pari wrote:
My son was bitten by a tick.  We were in a forest yesterday afternoon
around 3:30 or so and found the tick today around 12:30.  The head was
in the back of his head already but we got whole thing out.  I put
some oregano on about 2 hours later and just got some On Guard on him
and in him as well.

Any other thoughts of what I should do?

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