I am using LLV and Frankincense and helichrysum to the ear to try and heal and/or regenerate the hair sensory nerve cells, so I can later get a prothesis for my tiny ear bones and get my hearing back. If anyone else has other suggestions I would greatly appreciate them.
On May 9, 2013, at 9:33 PM, Everythingessential@googlegroups.com wrote:
gretacomehere@gmail.com May 08 05:41PM -0700
I wonder if anyone has heard this one.
I woke up with blocked ears 10 days ago, especially one ear where I can't
hear anything (still after 10 days). The nurse practitioner at the clinic
said that allergies in our area are especially bad this year. I told her I
am breathing fine, no sneezing, coughing,watery eyes...I don't have
allergies just sinus issues. She said, yes you DO have allergies! I told
her how well my doTerra oils have kept me breathing freely and no sinus
headaches. She said what happened is that the oils in effect, drove the
allergies into the Eustachian tubes. They are inflamed. Anyone heard of
such a thing happening because of using essential oils? I haven't quit
using them.
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