Friday, April 26, 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Lung Parasite and other strange stuff

I've heard Thyme is really good for parasites... I don't have a source though, sorry!  Just something I remember from a different discussion!

On Thursday, April 25, 2013 3:12:09 AM UTC-5, megkno wrote:
I have a lady who has been fighting parasites for over a year now.  She has gotten rid of her intestinal ones but her herbalist says that the parasites have settled in her lungs and they can't seem to get them.  What protocol should I suggest?

She also has MANY other symptoms that may be related or may be suggesting other things are going on.  They include:
Periodic rashes on her abdomen, degenerative glaucoma, very high spikes in her blood pressure when she is feeling ill, coughing fits, sometimes her urine is green, kidney and liver function seem low, she gets sick after eating fatty meats, sugar, or processed foods.   She went to doctors for a long time in agony but they couldn't find anything.  It wasn't until she went to this herbalist that she made any headway.

Is this making any sense to anyone?  She was as healthy as a horse her whole life until two years ago.  No stressful event, no new medication, just seemingly out of the blue.


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