Coriander oil...
"Coriander is distilled from the seed of Cilantro but they are not
dried seeds, in order to get the largest amount of oils out of them.
This also makes the smell of the Coriander oils fresh just like
Cilantro. As opposed to opening a bottle of Coriander seed from your
spice rack. The smell is much different."
"There is a high percentage of Linalol which supports a healthy
insulin response."
Quoted from the Modern Essentials book .."Linalol is a Alcohol which
is an oxygenating compound found in essential oils. They are
stimulating and help to increase blood circulation. Because of their
high resistance to oxidation and their low toxicity levels, they have
been shown to revert cells to normal function and activity..."
"Enables the pancreas to perform in a normal manner by increasing the
output production of insulin."
"Helps the pancreas heal or regulate from overproducing. Stimulates
activation of Insulin"
"Scientifically proven to lower blood sugar:"
-cinnamon Bark
On Nov 2, 8:54 am, Ardelle Wachter <> wrote:
> I found this on the net...
> Coriandrum sativum
> Planet: Moon
> History & Mythology
> Coriander, also known as Chinese Parsley, is among the oldest known spice plants. It not only has long history of flavouring our dishes, but it has also been highly esteemed for its medicinal and magical powers. The essential oil is distilled from the seeds. In ancient Egypt it was placed in the coffins of the Emperor, presumably to protect them on their last journey and ensure their rebirth in the Otherworld. An incense recipe mentioned in the tales of the Arabian Nights reveals its reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac. As incense it also dispels evil spirits and cures the possessed, which is why it is associated with St. Anthony. In the Middle Ages, St. Anthony's fire was a common occurrence due to the contamination of grain with a hallucinogenic fungus. However, Coriander seeds themselves are said to be dangerous in large doses, causing stupor and hallucinations. Apparently, wine was sometimes spiced with Coriander to make it more intoxicating.
> Magical use:
> Coriander can be used to dispel negative energies and to banish demons. It is used for protection and exorcism. It has also often been included in love potions and incense blends intended to stir the Kundalini snake from its lair. It may be included in ritual cups and cakes for a hand-fasting, especially when the bond is meant to last beyond space and time. Coriander protects the practitioner on spirit journeys and astral travels.
> Scent:
> A woody, spicy, warm and earthy scent. Blends well with Clary Sage, Ambrette Seed, Geranium, Bergamot, Jasmine, Frankincense, Neroli, Cardamom, Petigrain, Citronella, Cypress, Pine, Ginger and Cinnamon.
> Aromatherapy:
> Coriander oil is for the digestive system. It stimulates appetite and eases queasiness, indigestion and stomach cramps. It also soothes menstrual cramps and PMT related bloating and stimulates menstrual flow. It should be avoided during pregnancy. It has a gentle aroma that enlivens and stimulates the senses and relieves that sense of being burned out. It is a good oil for convalescence and to get motivated when feeling lethargic or depressed. It may help overcome post-natal depression and can aid recovery after a difficult birth. It also soothes fear, anxieties, nervousness and shock.
> We only supply the finest quality essential oils certified for Aromatherapy use. This assures that during the process of extraction, handling and bottling our oils receive all possible care and attention, and that the highest quality and purity is maintained throughout the preparation process.
> ** Pure essential oils are highly concentrated substances that should always be treated with due respect. Organic oils naturally are the purest oils available.
> ** Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the properties and uses of each individual oil you intend to use and take note of all cautions.
> ** Never take essential oils internally! *
> ** Do not apply essential oils neat (undiluted) to the skin. The recommended Aromatherapy standard dilution is 1 - 3%, though certain oils may be used in higher or lower dilutions. Consider each case individually.
> ** Always adhere to recommended safety standards and recommended dilution ratios.
> ** If you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies test oil blends on a small area of the inner arm prior to general use.
> ** Keep oils out of reach of children and pets.
> ** Never allow essential oils to enter the eyes.
> ** If you are pregnant, consult a qualified aromatherapist for suitability and safety of specific oils. Many oils should not be used during pregnancy, some only need to be avoided for the first 3 - 4 months, others may be helpful during labour, but may pose a risk during the months before.
> ** If you suffer from serious medical conditions such as (but not exclusively) high blood pressure, cancer, thrombosis, varicose veins or epilepsy, consult a qualified aromatherapist for professional advice on recommended oils and dosages.
> ** We support the notion of people taking responsibility for their own well being. However, if symptoms persist or re-occur or you are suffering from a serious medical condition, or if you are presently taking prescription drugs, we recommend that you consult a qualified doctor or practitioner before attempting to help yourself. Look for a practitioner/doctor who you can trust and who is prepared to work with you in exploring natural health alternatives.
> *...unless you know better.
> Essential oils are highly volatile substances that easily deteriorate or simply "fly off" if not stored correctly. Keep essential oils tightly closed and store them away from any sources of heat, in a cool, dark place.
> > Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 19:35:16 -0700
> > Subject: [Everything doTERRA] Coriander-diabetes? stupefying?
> > From:
> > To:
> > Why is Coriander not listed as an oil for use with diabetes?
> > Even on the oil description page in the Modern Essentials book under
> > possible uses it says nothing about diabetes, or high blood sugar :/
> > Also, another interesting thing in the Modern Essentials book under
> > Safety Data for Coriander it says "Use sparingly as coriander can be
> > stupefying in large doses" what on earth is that supposed to mean???!
> > (not what does stupefying mean but what does that mean in regards to
> > using the oil??)
> > I am embarrased that I told someone to use this for diabetes, daily.
> > THen when they read this and asked I had no answer for them and was
> > baffled myself.
> > hmmmm.... any help....oh, brilliant ones?? ;)
> > --
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