Essentials there is a small section that has a few recipes for
cleaning. I made some hand wipes with on guard and LOVE them. Used
them at a family reunion and didn't get any of the nasty colds that
were going around.
I have heard of others using Citrus Bliss also. The Lemon in my
opinion works far better then some of the chemical cleaning products I
have used in the past.
I have loved using the Seventh Generation products, but they were
super expensive (at the time- which was about 3 years ago) and so we
weren't able to replenish our stock. Now that Wal mart is selling them
I wonder if the cost has gone down? I don't remember the ingredients,
but with my allergies I found I could use the Seventh Generation
products without a problem. Learning what I have about EOs recently it
makes me want to re-evalute the SG products and see if they are just
as good/safe. You may even be able to add a couple drops to them?
Hubby and I are pretty anal about keeping a germ free home. We don't
like it when people come over sick and we don't like shaking peoples
hands, especially at church. I have severe allergies to chemicals and
have to be extremely careful with what we use. Up until a few months
ago I either cleaned dressed from head to toe in protective gear or
hubby did the cleaning. I HATED cleaning because if I wasn't careful I
would have an asthma attack or break out in hives and all that fun
As soon as I got lemon and lavender I began to use them for cleaning
and noticed a difference immediately! Our home smelled better. I could
breath and I had no negative reactions to the oils or smell. I now
make excuses for cleaning, even deep cleaning :) After using the
lavender for several weeks in a row as a carpet cleaner I noticed our
carpet looks cleaner, feels softer, and my asthma is back under
control. I love when we come home from being gone all day and it
smells sooo nice.
If you do a search on cleaning I think you will find some different
tips and tricks and I think there are a few links to blogs with some
tips too. I got my on guard hand wipe recipe from a blog (can't
remember it at the moment.) Trial and Error is a fun way to go too :)
Good Luck!
On Sep 1, 11:57 am, KelliDonna <> wrote:
> I am brand new to this lifestyle and need lots of advice and tips and
> tricks!
> I am a OCD about the cleanliness of my home, my car, etc...
> Now that I am using doTerra oils for mine and my families health, it
> doesn't seem to make much sense for me to be using a cabinet full of
> chemicals to clean our home.
> I typically use 409, Mr Clean, Comet, and the Clorox cleaning wipes.
> I also am OCD about the way things smell!
> I need to walk into my home and have it smell lovely :)
> I currently use Scentsy wax and warmers.
> So I am looking for a way to use my oils as cleaning products? But
> it's gotta really cut through the grime.
> Also, any information about Scentsy? I know some candles and air
> fresheners are unhealthy, but am I okay with Scentsy?Also, any
> opinions on Seventh Generation products? I saw some at Walmart
> yesterday and now I'm curious. I know this is a lot and Thank You in
> advance!!
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