Sunday, February 22, 2015

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Info on LLV having peppermint and frankincense in it

Hi Sherry,
 There is a book by Sandra Cabot, MD called FATTY LIVER, you Can Reverse It. This time last year, my husband was threatened with a liver biopsy to confirm cirrohsis or fatty liver. He chose to avoid the needle and go the natural route.  Using the guidelines of the Everything Essential site AND recommendations in Dr Cabot's book has made a remarkable difference.  To make a long story short, at a 6 month repeat Liver Scan, his liver is NORMAL!  We changed our diet, cutting out white processed sugar and got rid of alot of White everything out of our diet.  We have consistently taken the LLV and done not only a 90 day cleanse, but several 30 day cleanses as well as adding lemon oil to our water daily!!  Detoxing is important or you'll just be circulating inflammation to deposit elsewhere.  Things are much more simple now that we are maintaining our wellness just taking the LLV and lemon oil.  But for 6 months we worked extremely hard to correct all that we needed to in order to get him from the jaundiced stages he was in.  You have to be committed and I am so proud of my husband for taking the plunge and getting serious about getting well all over! 

Sherry, tSy, February 20, 2015 at 11:49:03 PM UTC-5, Sherry Goodyear wrote:
My blood pressure has been good overall since I went to the Chiropractor and since I stopped taking the Alpha CRS - also taking less of the Microplex vMZ  and xEO Mega as per what the chiro muscle-tested (2 each instead of the recommended 4 I was taking).  That being said, I still have the fatty liver problem which I am working to solve with raw juicing, more exercise, essential oils such as grapefruit, lemon, zendocrine, and clove taken both orally and applied topically. I found this information on essential oils to use for the liver on the Everything Essential website.  I also have read that myrrh and helichrysum are really good for liver and gall bladder issues which I believe were the underlying problem for that spike I had in my blood pressure three weeks ago so I have ordered those but haven't yet received them.  I am doing a gall bladder flush as we speak so I am curious to see if I get rid of stones which I think are also great contributors to my problem. Things are much improved, but I am not back to normal yet. I am grateful to know what my problem is so I can work to fix it.    Oh, I have an appointment with the chiropractor tomorrow, so I am curious to see how things have improved based on his muscle-testing.

Thanks, Sherry

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 1:33 PM, LARRY & KATHY GOBBLE <> wrote:
Sherry have you had any blood pressure problems taking the LLV after you muscle tested? 

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 2:08 PM, Sherry Goodyear <> wrote:

Hi.  I have high blood pressure and about a month ago started taking L.L.V. A few weeks in, my blood pressure went sky high and I had terrible gall bladder and side pain.  An ultrasound revealed I have a fatty liver, but a trip to my chiropractor who is also a kinesiologist (muscle tester) revealed inflammation and stones in my gall bladder.  After a chiropractic adjustment and a manual flush of my gall bladder and liver, I felt tons better and my blood pressure began to decline.  Oh, I asked him to muscle_test if the doTerra vitamins were working for my body and he found my body likes microplex VMz (has peppermint) and xEO Mega but it doesn't like Alpha CRS (also has peppermint). So consider finding someone who can muscle test to check viability of the vitamins since everyone is different and muscle testing is the simplest most noninvasive way of seeing what works for a body.

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