Monday, November 28, 2011

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Fibromyalgia?

GX Assist followed by PB Assist (I recommend taking the PB Assist till the bottle is empty) Note - I don't start this until they are able to take at least a half dose with no symptoms. Always start GX right before a work break, i.e., Friday night after work for most that have the weekend off.
Deep Blue Rub for pain
Eliminate white flour, white rice, all sugar and artificial sweeteners. Stevia is ok.
2 quarts water daily. Add lemon oil to some of it.
Balance on wrists in the morning (Terrashield if they are very emotionally sensitive).
Lavender on feet before bed
I also recommend using the Ph Kit for their over the counter needs and then looking at rxs they are taking and trying to taper off the ones that are not working.
I know its a pain but I have fibro and I follow this and I feel great. I have lots of energy, joint pain is rare, my memory is much better and best of all  I am happy.

On 11/28/2011 6:37 AM, Sharon Hoehner wrote:
Any doTerra experiences? Suggestions?

Sharon Hoehner

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