Monday, November 28, 2011

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Fibromyalgia?

This is a great topic to discuss.  My wife has Fibromyalgia and my daughter has Junior Fibromyalgia, and there really isn't a good solution to solving tough problems with Fibromyalgia.  It seems that most people that I know that have Fibromyalgia also have a serious case of Arthritis.   Until my wife and daughter started using oils and changed their diet, they were in constant pain, nearly debilitating.  My daughter had unexplained pain throughout her body that the doctors had no answer for.  She also had a serious case of hives that was difficult to solve.  After my cousin (who also has Fibromyalgia) told us about the oils, we decided to use oils consistently for 3 months to know for sure whether the oils would help.  It has been an incredible learning process, but know we still have a ton more to learn.  For my daughter (she is fifteen), her unexplained pain is gone (zero pain), and she no longer has hives.  The key for her was taking full strength LLV.  For a teenager, taking LLV consistently has been a challenge, but she knows that her symptoms will come back if stops taking LLV.  She is putting some oils on her feet each morning, which I think is helping, but taking the LLV is the key.  We have also made big changes in our diet.  We have tried to stop eating processed foods, white sugar, white floor, and eating more fruits and vegetables.  I could go on and on about how the oils have helped her.  She loves to dance, and was in a dance group.  She had to cut back on her dance because of all her pain.  She is now back to dancing to her hearts content, without any pain.

For my wife, using the oils is much more complicated, and requires more work.  She is much better, but she has a ways to go.  Without making this to lengthy, I will share one thing that I think is huge for those that are Fibromyalgia.  Candida is a big issue, and it was interesting how her body fought the oils and LLV for the first couple of months; especially, the first month.  We had to cut back on the LLV and some of the oils, because she would have a serious case of the runs and stomach problems.  We tried several different cleanse protocols, and she was on one cleanse after another, following with some good probiotics.  Anyone who has Fibromyalgia is probably going to have these same types of problems where the body is going to have side affects like diaria until the cleansing processed has been sufficient.  Even then, people with Fibromyalgia will probably need to do a cleanse on a regular basis.  Once she had gone through several cleanses, the oils started to make more of a difference, and she started to feel less pain.  I developed a protocol for my wife that I will try to share sometime.  It is very extensive and requires alot of work, but I think it has really helped her.  It is much more than just taking the oils.  I will try to share more as I have time.

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