Thursday, August 26, 2010

[Everything doTERRA] Kidneys and Stevens Johnson Syndrome

I know of someone who recently had a scary "episode" and was in a coma
for a week or so. No one knows what caused it but it appeared that her
heart stopped working or something. They put a heart difibulator (sp)
in her and she is now home. Her kidneys are only working at 20-25% and
she has the auto immune disease Stevens Johnson Syndrome. I would like
to approach her about trying some of the oils to strengthen her
kidneys more so she won't have to do dialysis for the rest of her
life. I don't know her very well, but I was told by a little bird that
she would be open up to it if I get the courage to talk to her about

If it were you in this situation what would you do for your body? The
only thing I can think of is the LLW and ATT (but would the ATT be
wise to do at this point? I'm worried if she starts having die off
symptoms her kidneys won't be strong enough to handle them.) Has
anyone ever known anyone with SJS and used oils with them?

I'd like to talk with her this Sunday when I see her.


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