Saturday, October 25, 2014

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: 4 year old with asthma, eczema and severe allergies

Wonderful information Marty. It gets very discouraging when you can see that things are not getting better (for us it seemed to get worse) with the directions we were receiving from the medical world. Here is our story that began our essential oil journey. 

Trey's Story (June 2013)
3 years ago Trey was having an asthma attack. I had to go to a friends home to pick up TayLinn and told her I couldn't stay and visit because I needed to get home because of Trey. She said, "wait just a minute I have something for you to try." I waited and she brought me the smallest bottle I had ever seen. Inside was an essential oil(breathe).

She told me to have him put a drop on his chest and then rub his hands together and breathe it off his hands just like he would do an inhaler. I rolled my eyes and said ok. 

When I got home I gave Trey the bottle and the instructions. He immediately did as Brooke suggested and said, " I can breathe." I of course couldn't understand how a drop of oil could do such a thing. 

I spent the next 3 months attending classes and trying to learn without looking like an 'idiot that didn't believe.' At this point Trey looked at me one day and said, "I am never using my meds again." I told him that at 11 years of age he couldn't tell me that but he won the argument and he doesn't use his meds. (Advair 250/50 - 2 times daily, Singular, Zyrtec, Albuterol.) We have learned to trust him in what he says his body needs. We do make him use oils sometimes because we can see things and hear things and sometimes he likes to wait too long. We then became involved with doTERRA and have loved it ever since. (He is 14 now)

Here are a few more notes to the story.
The year before we started Trey was in the hospital 3 times. Each time is  2-3 day stay. Approximately $8000. If I did my math correctly today that is an average of $24,000 a year times 3 years. So we have saved $72,000 in the last 3 years. Although, I will have to subtract one stay in May of 2012 so total $64,000 in savings. I don't think I can complain. 

He is now using Breathe and Lime (his personal favorites). He would tell you those are the first 2 oils to use for an attack. They work the best for him. Also in an attack we will use Rosemary, Thyme, Melaleuca, Wild Orange and Frankincense. Most often on the back and the chest. Layered and not usually with coconut oil. He really doesn't mind how they feel. He is also taking one each of the LLV daily and over the summer we did 3 rounds of GxAssist and PBAssist.

We still have his nebulizer and he uses Albuterol in that when he needs to. The last time he did that was In January 2013, when he walked to the mailbox (half a block) in 12 below temperature. (I have got to figure out when to say no) When he got back he was wheezy and lips started turning blue. We used the oils but still had to go to the meds. The last time before that I believe was in October 2012 and that was only once.  Prior to that we would always battle his asthma especially in the spring and fall, usually spending several weeks with lack of sleep, giving him nebulizer treatments as fast as the prescriptions would allow.  Even with that we had a pretty good chance of going to the hospital as I mentioned above. 

I believe he is on a road to his body healing itself. 

When I tell this story in a class I try and condense it as much as I can. I wanted to give you all of the information so you can use it as you feel is best with your IPC's. Trey is now where he could teach a class. He loves the oils and uses them daily.  I hope this is what you were looking for and I hope it helps.

Sorry it was so long and as it is 2014 now so some of the numbers need to be updated.

Deidre Bowman
doTERRA Wellness Advocate


On Oct 25, 2014, at 3:26 AM, Patricia Leavitt <> wrote:

Martie, thanks for such a wealth of information!!


On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Marty Nielsen <> wrote:
Hi, My name is Marty and I have asthma and allergies too although mine are under control well now and I was able to get off of some of the very same inhalers you are using with your son.  This is what I do for myself, keep in mind that I'm an adult and have a much larger body mass than your son.  I put into a 00 capsule and take internally every morning. 5 drops frankincense, 5 drops lemon and 5 drops peppermint.  I use this for my asthma dry cough that I wake up with in the morning.  If I'm having a difficult day with coughing I'll repeat this again when I go to bed. for my allergies I put into a 00 capsule 2 drops each of Thyme, Marjoram, Basil, and Rosemary.  If you look up the properties of these oils you can see if any of them look like they would be helpful for the symptoms your son has.  Also when I do get a cold which always goes right to my lungs I use the oils in the Symphony of the cells protocol for respiratory issues.  They are in this order Frankincense, Melaleuca, Aroma Touch, Breathe, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Melissa and Peppermint. They are applied differently than the ATT, but I have been able to put just 1-2 drops each layered on my feet when I'm sick and it has helped tremendously. The Symphony of the Cells is by Boyd K.Truman.  This is just for your information, to give you some other places to look at.  I studied the oils by their properties and also looked up asthma and allergies to see what was recommended.  I've done a lot of experimenting also to see what works for me.  If you're using the Modern essentials book remember to read all of the uses and cautions. I just noticed that it says not to use Frankincense on children under 6 years of age.  That may be just for internal use as they are saying to take it in a teaspoon of honey.  Muscle testing is another way to know what and how much of the oils to use.  Also the Zyto scan.
Good Luck

On Monday, October 20, 2014 4:08:53 PM UTC-6, Stacey Palancia wrote:
Hi All,
My son is 4 years old and has been treated for asthma, allergies and eczema since he was a baby.  He has had pneumonia 5 times and is currently on singulair, zyrtec, flovent inhaler and albuterol inhaler which is not helping!  He has a dry cough that causes him to gag every morning and night and intermittently throughout the day.  So far, he has been on the children's a2z chewable and IQ omega from do terra and I do frankincense and breathe on his spine daily for the last month but he is still wheezing and has this cough which is driving me crazy.  I also have been putting eucalyptus on his feet.  Any new suggestions or ideas?  He is a very VERY energetic kid as well.  He rubs his eyes all day which I put lavender around if I see him doing it.  What am I missing?  

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