Friday, May 2, 2014

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Helichrysum....tell me why it's worth the money

My baby slammed her hand/finger in a drawer and had a huge blood blister forming.  Within moments of putting on helichrysum, the mark and swelling was gone and she stopped screaming. No Western medicine could do that safely andor that quickly for a 10 mon old...  my husband couldn't tell which finger she slammed when he got home  It is worth having!

On May 2, 2014 9:24 AM, "Robert James" <> wrote:
The thing that is awesome about Heliichysum is that a little goes a long way.  You don't need much at all to enjoy its benefits. I use it on stretch marks because I'm loosing a lot of weight.  It is so amazing with scaring and skin rejuvenating.  It also helps strengthen capillaries in the brain and crosses the blood brain barrier.  This can help reduce the chance of a hemorrhagic stroke if you are susceptible to that (which I am).  It has also been helpful  for people with leg blood clots, also many people have used it successfully for reducing varicose veins, and together with nutrition and exercise has helped people lesson unsightly cellulite. 


On Thursday, May 1, 2014, Valerie Hampton <> wrote:

Charly's comment reminded me that helichrysum was 1 of the oils that came up on my 1 yr old grandson's Zyto scan that was sick w respiratory things for SO long!  I thought it was odd that it came up but when I looked helichrysum up in the ME book, 1 of the things listed is bronchitis.   I just re-read in the book & it mentions detoxing.  That could've been part of it also.  He totally got better w that combo of oils. Prior to that scan I would've never thought of helichrysum for respiratory.

On May 1, 2014 8:09 AM, "Charly Risenmay" <> wrote:
Helichrysum is seriously one of my favorite oils and we use it ALL the time.  It is the rock star of antiinflammatories, hitting more inflammation receptors than does prednisone.  It is amazing for healing nerves and the brain. It stops bleeding pronto.  It is a really, really wonderful oil!


On May 1, 2014, at 8:20 AM, 'NEprairiemom' via Everything essential <> wrote:

This is such an expensive oil (for such a small amount...5mL)....why is it worth spending so much money on it.  Please tell me...I am seriously trying to figure it out.

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