Monday, October 28, 2013

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Advice / Experiences with kidney issues / failure

I've attached the kidney protocol I wrote for my mother who is in Stage 5 Renal Failure.  Unfortunately getting someone to regularly do it can be difficult when they've accepted already that they are terminal. What she does do is the DDR Prime and the helichrysum and immortelle topically on her kidneys. We are adding juniper berry as well but it hasn't arrived. She was at the end stage 5 about 12 months ago and was given 6 months to live. Two or three months after adding the DDR her levels improved and she has stabilized. Her doctor was floored and said don't stop. (Her blood pressure is also better and her cholesterol dropped 120 points). I would love to see what would happen if she did the whole thing but you can't force someone to do something.

On 10/27/2013 9:46 PM, Dr. DREAM wrote:
I am interested in hearing from people that have used doTERRA products to assist with kidney issues / failure. I am working with a person who is at only 7% function with her kidneys. Please share your successes. Thank YOU!
~ Dr. DREAM of

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