Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Digest for - 25 Messages in 13 Topics

My friend who struggled with MRSA for 3 years also used Frankincense as well as On Guard.  She put the Frankincense right on the areas after they had been lanced. Also dropped it under her tongue with On Guard as well as both oils on her feet. She did all this 3-4 times a day. She has been without MRSA for 2 years now. ~ Karen

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 11:17 AM, <> wrote:


    Janyce <> Feb 27 09:54AM -0800  

    Good morning!
    I'm working with a naturalpath doctor who has a lot of patients come in
    with OCD. We were talking about the mood oils and she wanted to know if
    they are what should be recommended for OCD.
    Anyone with ideas, experiences? All appreciated.
    Thank you,


    rustler35 <> Feb 27 04:45AM -0800  

    lemongrass also. I used it on my son when we got the samething with him. I
    also took him off all modern medicine that was causing the problem. Rub
    the lemongrass over the kidneys. He is 15 also.
    On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 6:33:10 PM UTC-7, Amber Ellinger wrote:


    Ginny Eiseman <> Feb 27 08:06AM -0900  

    I've attached what I use with my mom who is in Stage 5 renal failure.
    I'd follow it but once her bloodwork stablilizes discontinue the
    Zendocrine. I'd also seriously consider a diet with no wheat, no sugar
    and no artificial sweeteners. If the high glucose means they have
    concerns about diabetes then I'd suspect candida. If she won't do
    anything else DDR Prime and Immortelle on the kidneys would be the bare
    On 2/26/2013 4:33 PM, Amber Ellinger wrote:


    Linda Donaldson <> Feb 27 08:18AM -0500  

    Thanks, Amelia. That link didn't get me to his page, but I'll see if I can
    find it.


    Ginny Eiseman <> Feb 27 07:54AM -0900  

    I thought I would just add that I drink lemon oil in my water daily, all
    day and have for a long time. I also use the OnGuard toothpaste. I have
    my routine check ups every six months and haven't had any cavities or
    issues. The first time my hygienist was asking what I was doing
    different but now they don't because they just don't want to hear that
    fluoride isn't the answer. I've always had issues with my teeth, even if
    I floss and brush exactly as directed. My mom was prescribed a drug when
    she was pregnant with me that one of the side effects is teeth issues.
    I've spent a lot of time in a dental chair and to say I'm prone to
    cavities is an understatement. I haven't had one in the last several
    check ups.


    Shae <> Feb 27 06:12AM -0800  

    A friend (of a friend) of mine recently had knee surgery and has now been diagnose with having MRSA around her knee where her incision was. No medicines have been helping, so my friend knew that On Guard woirjed to kill the MRSA, so she is wanting to get her some. My question should she use it? Topically, internally? Are there other oils that she needs to use along side it to enhance the effectiveness? Length of time to use it? Thanks in advance!!


    Patricia Leavitt <> Feb 27 09:18AM -0700  

    drop it on topically every three hours and drink lots of water with lemon
    to help flush the toxins.


    msjnuga <> Feb 26 10:58PM -0800  

    Im just wondering how one could get them so cheap! Do you share them/take turns using em? I just dont get it. Sorry. Please help!


    Kristy Skoy <> Feb 27 07:10AM -0700  

    My doterra group has a FB page for our city. We just posted on it that we were ordering the Whisper diffuser at and if we ordered 30 we got a discount. We ended up ordering almost 70. So we got an even better discount. We collected the cash and placed one order. We will then give the diffusers to those that ordered them when they arrive.
    Kristy Skoy


    Janice Ladnier <> Feb 27 05:10AM -0800  

    My cousin wants to try a blend that was used in a study to treat alopecia
    (an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss), but the blend contains
    Cedarwood, and doTERRA doesn't offer that. I read that Cypress is in the
    same family. Does anyone know if I could use Cypress as a substitute?


    Patricia Leavitt <> Feb 27 06:14AM -0700  

    Of course you could and please let us know how that works, I know a young
    man with alopecia.
    On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 6:10 AM, Janice Ladnier <


    Amelia1968 <> Feb 26 11:53PM -0800  

    In order to get this policy changed we ALL need to let our voices be heard via legal dept...I personally have had 2 IPCs miss out on enrollments b/c of this policy change since Jan...(the policy change can be viewed via your vo & the update was on December 17th if I am not mistaken).
    Because these 2 IPCs were newbies (both less tthan3 months) I have been in contact w/legal/compliance regularly. It is very frustrating when IPCs do ALL the leg work then the person they are helping goes online to ebay& Amazon, finds the same product for less money +free shipping AND a free gift w/ quickly as this policy was put i to place I believe it can be changed again to all IPCs advantage. I say we continue to send links such as tnose above to legal and continue to tell them when we or anyone on our team loses an enrollment due to these sellers (some of whom are NOT legal @ all...the legal ones MUST sell products for no less than 10% above wholesale prices)...
    This type of selling IS NOT how doTerra is structured & if this continues what is to stop someone from offering them @ places like Costco or some other wholesale establishment...selling retail in this manner completely defeats the purpose of the doterra biz model. Which as we all know is wholesale enrollment&essential oil usage education provided by IPCs...
    Well thereMs my rant & 2 cents worth for today;)

  Feb 27 04:59AM -0800  

    I did have this situation come up recently with a lady who wanted to know
    why to enroll vs. buying off Amazon. I explained to her that these oils are
    not items you can buy at a store and use without education. These oils were
    powerful, and if not used correctly (ahem...Oregano...) they could have
    negative affects. The knowledge about the oils does not come of Amazon, it
    comes from me and our uplines who teach. So yes you may be getting a better
    deal through Amazon, you may not find the support you need when it comes to
    using the oils. Not that I wouldn't help her, because really we are all in
    this to help each other, but that being said, her enrolling under me helps
    me as well and the people on Amazon don't care about who she is or what her
    issues are. They won't be there to get a frantic phone call about strep
    throat, or migraines. I've learned that the most important part of my
    business is the relationships I've created with my downline. To me, thats
    worth more than a discount or a free gift, and I try to make sure they know
    that. So after explaining this, she enrolled under me. There will always be
    someone out there trying to do things in a cheaper way or a way that you
    feel is morally wrong. Its our job to educate others as to why we feel our
    way is better.


    Patricia Leavitt <> Feb 27 06:13AM -0700  

    Great response, thanks.

  Feb 27 05:09AM -0800  

    I would just do a bit on the bottom of his/her feet 1-2 times a day. Its my
    understanding that these oils aren't putting chemicals (hormones) into our
    bodies, they are assisting our bodies with production of what chemicals our
    bodies need to find balance. They go where they need to go, they will be
    used how they are needed.
    On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 5:01:45 AM UTC-7, Evie wrote:


    mrsbann <> Feb 26 11:53PM -0800  

    My sil just learned she has a wole in her esophagus and enlarged adenoids
    is there any oils that will help her?



    Patricia Leavitt <> Feb 27 05:43AM -0700  

    For the adenoids I think I would gargle with a little water and onguard,
    not really sure about the hole.


    Patricia Leavitt <> Feb 27 03:19AM -0700  

    Others have tried the Frankincense on a tampon nightly with great results.
    Also Coriander to help control the blood sugars is another great tool.


    Erin <> Feb 26 07:26PM -0800  

    I would like to get suggestions on how to use peppermint to decrease milk
    supply. I make TONS of milk, and am very thankful to have been able to feed
    both kids so well
    . I have been taking dried sage (1/4tsp 3-4 times per day) for the past 2
    months to help keep it under control. I just got my oils, and tried using
    the peppermint, but didn't see any decrease. My baby is 11 mos nursing 3-4
    times per day. It is a battle to get her to nurse as she is too busy to
    nurse most of the time. I would love some specifics on dosage and how long
    until I should expect to see a decrease. My goal is to have her weaned by
    12-13 months. Any help would be appriciated!


    Patricia Leavitt <> Feb 27 03:12AM -0700  

    Just start using it on the bottom of your feet even mixed with carrier oil
    directly on the breast area.


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