Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Anxiety and depression in children.

Although my son is mild in his moods, he can be very crabby and down at times.  I don't think this is his true nature as he was a very happy baby.  He loves citrus bliss and it is the only one he will wear to school because the kids there like that one. He wears that daily and actually asks for it now.  He is 12 now and actually uses it as his cologne.  He used to like elevation but the kids at school didn't like it as much.  Elevation is effective for him and his low moods, so when he needs it, we use it at night on his neck and or feet. He also has trouble sleeping, so we sometimes use balance and serenity.  I'm not consistent with him and this, he's not too bad, but if it were more severe, I would think these would be good daily choices.   Oh, my other thing with him is that he really needs to hydrate and eat frequently. (every 2 hours, preferably something healthy).  I have requested his teachers allow him to drink and eat more frequently than the provided times at school if he needs it- migraines and crabbiness can be a result of that as well.  

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:17:24 PM UTC-8, Heidi wrote:
Hi! I am new to doTERRA.  I have really enjoyed getting to know the products in regards to myself.  I have SAD and have come up with a great routine in regards to my symptoms and am happy to say that I have been off depression meds since June.  Getting through February for me will be the true test.  So far I am doing great. I do have a question that I am try to help a friend with.  Her son is 10 and suffering with high anxiety and depression.  Which goes hand in hand.  The young man is in therapy.  Has anyone experienced using the oils in young boys in regards to the anxiety?  The mom is a bit concerned with lavendar on her 10 year old boy. I have suggested trying the bergamot, vetiver and possibley the wild orange.  Being new to this I was hoping some has had more experience in dealing with this situation?

Also...  I read the post in regards to needing more people to comment.  In situation where I have had success I will be a part of the conversation.  I hesitate as of now because I am so new to the product and still trying to learn about it myself.  I appreciate all the information I have gleaned from her thus far and look forward to being more a part of the help!


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