Monday, January 30, 2012

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Someone with SEVERE post war issues

I also just saw a report the other day online that talked about using
an adrenaline supressant at night just before bed. A Vietnam Vet who
had been suffering from PTSD for 25+ years was the example they wrote
about for their testing (they had several patients tested). The
Vietnam Vet. took the prescription for 30 days as directed. He came
back looking much more well-rested and relaxed. When asked about his
nightmares, which occured nightly, the veteran said that he was a
little bit worried. He was no longer dreaming about the war or hurting
himself or others. Instead, he was having nightmares that he would go
to school and the teacher would give him a test over subject matter
that he was never given the assignment for study. To this, the doctor
replied, "Sir, I have those nightmares too. They're perfectly

What the website explained was that people with PTSD are always having
problems getting their adrenal glands to shut off at night, which
causes the nightmares and night terrors. There are no sleeping pills
that have the ability to shut off the adrenal glands at night. Without
adequate sleep, the chemicals all over the body go out of whack
causing things like mood swings, wieght gain/loss, depression,
anxiety, inability to cope with normal situations and with past
stress, can never relax even though tired all the time, etc. Of
course, with the added stress the nightmares cause, daytime moods can
be very erratic. I would imagine that you guys get sick rather
frequently due to all of this. I know this isn't an oil answer, but it
may help. The doTERRA products can definitely speed up the healing
process and make it more permanent so you can, hopefully, eventually
be able to wean off of medications. Just my two cents.

On Jan 28, 7:30 pm, healthandwellness365 <>
> Thank you for all the great suggestions.  I will look into EFT.  I
> know they are seeking counseling in some way, but maybe this would
> work better for them?  I will be passing along the information to her
> right away so I can get her started on oils and on their way to
> healing.
> On Jan 27, 3:04 pm, healthandwellness365 <>
> wrote:
> > Hello to all of you,
> > I am in major need of help and direction on this.  I received a call
> > today from a friend of my sisters who is wanting something better than
> > prescription meds for herself and her family.  When we started talking
> > about health issues, she started off with her son suffers from ADHD.
> > I was thinking NO Problem, then she really hit me with all kinds of
> > health issues her husband and herself suffer with on a daily basis.  I
> > had to ask her to email me everything in order for me to research and
> > get her as much information as I could.  Here is the body of her
> > email:
> > Me:
> > *ADHD
> > *hypervigalent due to thewarand sexual assult
> > *mild PTSD due towar
> > *crazy mood swings ~ have trouble keeping my emotions in check and not
> > freaking out. It's almost like an impulse and hard to contain. I'm on
> > welbutin and trazadone for depression.
> > *Severe allergies~ I take zyrtec every day of my life or I get itchy
> > hives all over my body. I have sensiteve skin so scratching produces
> > whelps. My last allergy test I was allergic to all 50 things they
> > tested my back for. The doc said he has never seen anything like it
> > before. I'm fine as long as I take the meds but if I'm off it for 1-2
> > days it gets bad.
> > *Migranes~ Never used to get them or headaches for that matter until
> > 2007 when I deployed to Iraq for 15 month. I'm severly allergic to
> > dust. So, I don't know if it's the sun or my allergies or that I'm in
> > my 30s and everything seems to be changing.
> > Son:
> > *ADHD~ takes the lowest dosage of concerta but it's meth based and I'd
> > like to get him off it and be all natural. He only gets it on school
> > days and not the weekends or the summer or holidays
> > Husband:
> > *Bad Joints due to infantry 12 years and multiple wars
> > *Shoulder & Knee surgerys and going in for back surgery
> > *Extreme PTSD and multipule brain injurys ~ he has done extensive
> > rehab for this
> > *Hypervigalent
> > *Depression
> > *Can be homicidal and suicidal (not so much anymore since we've been
> > seeking help)
> > *Quick to anger over little things that are insignificant
> > *Anxiety-bad! I do all the shopping he can't go into public too well
> > unless he takes Xanex but he tries and does little adventures so he
> > doesn't back track how far we have come.
> > *Migraines due to explosions
> > *Blood in his stool due to stress and all the meds they want to put
> > him on
> > *Horrible Night Terrors & Sweats-this has been going on since 2003. We
> > married in 2006 and it's every night no exceptions. Well, if he's
> > wasted he actually sleeps well but we have been sober for 120 days.
> > Alcohol makes him mean so alcohol is gone. He maybe sleeps 1-2 hours
> > at a time. Constant nightmares which disturbes his sleep every night.
> > I've actually been thrown 15 feet from the bed in a night terror. He
> > does't remember these things. With this he has poor sleep which
> > affects EVERYTHING mentioned above. I do believe if we could get him a
> > full nights sleep without sleep meds he would be less depressed and
> > have more energy.
> > I would REALLY like to help her out with these concerns she has.  I
> > could only imagine how it is in her house and I would love to be able
> > to turn all that around with oils.  It sounds like they get
> > psychiatric help with a lot of what they went through in thewar, and
> > now, they are wanting to avoid all the prescriptions that are being
> > prescribed to them with natural products.
> > If anyone has testimonials that I could send her way, that would be
> > extremely helpful.
> > Thank you in advance for all of your help on this matter.
> > Rachel- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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