Monday, November 28, 2011

[Everything doTERRA] Re: help for 14 year old son

Good luck Ramona - keep us posted!

On Nov 28, 11:01 am, Ramona Brown <> wrote:
> Interesting that you would mention ginger because when he had the zytoscan done a few months ago, he tested very strong for needing ginger.  I keep forgetting to buy it, so maybe I should go pick it up at DoTerra today for him.  I will check his glands. I think I'm going to take him in to our doctor. He is homeopathic, and uses a machine to do a form of muscle testing. I think he can also do blood work, so hopefully we can get a better picture of what is going on.  Thanks for your suggestions.  While I'm waiting, I think I'll try the ATT on him, as well.
> ________________________________
> Ramona
> ________________________________
>  From: Sharon Hoehner <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 8:53 AM
> Subject: Re: [Everything doTERRA] help for 14 year old son
> Will he let you do ATT on him?  That would help for any viruses.  After 3 weeks I think I'd be getting a diagnosis but would try ATT first.  Are his glands swollen?  Sometimes with mono if you treat it holistically they will not swell.  I had to almost fight with a doctor to get my girl tested.  She didn't "look" like she had mono since there was no swelling or pain, just the fatigue.  He actually called me to apologize because I was right, lol.  Homeopathy is really the most effective way to get rid of mono.
> I'd keep up with the saline flushes.  A very hot bath for 20 minutes or more will clear the sinuses nicely before bed.  It has something to do with the pressure of the water...can't remember exactly now, but it needs to be as hot as possible.  Before I got healthy this was what I did and it worked well.
> Can you muscle test him for Ginger?  I haven't tried ours yet but Ginger, the herb, is excellent for inflammation of all kinds.  There are over 475 known constituents in Ginger with healing abilities.
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 6:41 AM, Ramona Brown <> wrote:
> I could use some ideas from this amazing group.  I have a 14 year old son who has been sick for about 3 weeks.  It has been off and on and has ranged from losing his voice, cough, body aches, sore throat, etc.  The past few days, it has set into an extreme sinus headache to where he can hardly even move.  He hasn't been out of bed for 2 days now.  We have done everything we know, using the oils.  We have been using onguard and the losenges.  We have had him use peppermint every hour on all the sinus points, including putting it on a qtip and rubbing inside his nose.  He has used breathe and eucalyptus.  We have had him use saline to try and flush things.  He will begin to get better (in the time before the current sinus issue) and would return to normal activity, only to be sick again.  I'm starting to worry that maybe he has mono or CFS.  He does have celiac, so he is more prone to autoimmune issues.  At this point, I don't know if I should
>  take him to our holistic doctor or just keep treating him with oils.  Would it be worthwhile to have him tested for mono?  I would love any thoughts.
> >
> >________________________________
> >Ramona
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> Sharon Hoehner
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