Monday, May 2, 2011

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Old Injury NEW Infection in leg - child

Yeah Aidan :)  Good job standing up for yourself!
I would also LOVE the document if you would pass it on! 
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Old Injury NEW Infection in leg - child

I would LOVE that document if you wouldn't mind passing it on!

On May 2, 2011 10:47 AM, "Katie Wagner" <> wrote:

So as an update, my son had surgery on his leg on Friday.  It went
well, and they did not put him on ANY antibiotics, YEAH!!.  I am
addressing some swelling now & doing hot compresses on it w/ OnGuard,
Meleleuca, & Basil (he has some loss of feeling) but there is still a
spot where it seems more swollen than the rest and he has a slightly
elevated temp.  I don't have capsules, I had him drink down 5 drops
OnGuard, 3 Oregano, 3 Lemon & then I applied some clove.  We have also
put Deep Blue around the site to help with the pain, and alternated
between that and AromaTouch to assist w/ circulation.  I am most
concerned right now about the swelling, and I am using an anti-scar
blend that is helping the site to heal very well, but there is just
the swelling...

His teacher sent him to the nurse today, and the nurse called my
husband and told him that she thinks it's infected.  When she asked my
son if I sent anything with him to put on it, he told her "Essential
Oils", and she proceeded to tell him that he needs antibiotics... he
got into a discussion with her about how antibiotics kill bacteria
nondescriminately and that they aren't healthy for you... she told him
"Well that is the only bad part, but when that is the most effective
way to kill infection, then you use it"  he told her "it's not the
most effective way, essential oils are.  They are pure and know what
to do" :) Yeah Aidan :)

So would having him soak in a bath w/ the oils be the best way to
address the swelling?  How soon should I expect to see it go down?

I am sending a document to school w/ my son tomorrow.  My sister & I
compiled (mostly my sister) the document for new prospective IPC's
which has frequently asked questions about essential oils and an
article at the back about why essential oils work, and drugs don't.  I
look forward to hearing back from her.  :)

Thanks in advance to everyone for your help and input.


On Apr 14, 8:41 pm, "Brooke Magleby" <> wrote:
> Katie,
> I can only imagine ...

> On-Guard that he takes internally.  I have a 9 yearoldson - and he won't

> take things internally yet - so when he was sick last year - I actually
> placed a drop of Melissa...

> Subject: [Everything doTERRA]OldInjury NEW Infection in leg - child

> I am taking my son into the emergency surgical clinic here in
> Heidelberg, Germany to the surgi...

> entire site of thewound, which we determined was caused by scar

> tissue buildup from the injury.  It has never bothered him and other

> than a slight scar at the entrance of thewound, he has been just the

> same as he always was.
> Two days ago while riding his bike, he hit the site of theoldwound.
> T...

> I appreciate that this dr. wants to make sure thewoundis not causing

> an infection that will create additional problems down the line.  I
> appreciate their desire to h...

> he is only 11 yearsold.  I have OnGuard diffusing, and Balance.  I

> have applied Balance to the bottoms of his feet, along w/ the OnGuard,
> and can do the AromaTouch...

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