Monday, February 24, 2014

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Lou Gehrig's Disease

I have read all the posts I could find regarding oils and ALS. The impression I was getting was that it was being suggested that this disease could be cured or reversed.  As a caregiver, with a Medical Social Work background and experience with diseases like ALS it was difficult to read those posts and I could see why people were unwilling to accept the protocol. You see, once motor neuron death occurs, the connection is lost forever, the damage and death of the muscle cannot be reversed.  Those facing this diagnosis know this and probably misunderstand the well meaning individuals looking to help.  This disease is different from any other and affects every person differently, each case is unique.  My husband also has a medical background and is extremely open to all types of healing methods, it is important to note that prevention and slowing of progression is our best defense. Once motor neuron death occurs the connection   If I knew a year ago, or when the symptoms first appeared (2 years ago) what I know now we may have had a better chance of slowing it OR halting the progression, you see his prognosis at the time of diagnosis was 18-24 months. That was 16 months ago.  So yes, this is a death sentence.  My hope is that this could benefit those with familial ALS, possibly helping them to prevent it before it begins or help those living with it currently have a better quality of life.  My husband will tell you hands down it has improved his quality of life.  I have used all the oils suggested for ALS and added my own along the way.  Just this morning I added some to improve his speech and fasciculations in his tongue that drive him crazy all day long.  I am working on a spray for it that I spray in his mouth three times a day.  I am happy to share any success or failure I may have along the way.  My husband, Jeff, WANTS people to know the positive affect the oils have had on his life.  

On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:12:16 AM UTC-6, Patricia Leavitt wrote:
Kristen, thanks so much for sharing the treatment of your husband. Please keep us informed, because even keeping him off some of the meds and giving him quality of life is a huge accomplishment.


On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 6:05 AM, kristen <> wrote:
Melissa I am currently treating my husband who has an very aggressive form of Bulbar ALS with the oils.  He finds them quite helpful although they are not slowing the progression that we can tell, it has kept him from taking additional medications and has improved his quality of life, we believe.

On Thursday, October 10, 2013 11:39:04 PM UTC-5, Melissa wrote:
I've searched the archives for Lou Gehrig's Disease, and it doesn't appear to have been brought up for over a year. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experiences or successes treating this illness. Thank you.

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