Monday, February 24, 2014

[Everything doTERRA] Type II Diabetes

My father is a 65 year old recently diagnosed with type II diabetes who also suffers with chronic gout.  He has had great difficulty keeping his blood sugar under control which is no surprise as he does little to modify his lifestyle.  Recently, after refusing any info on dōTERRA he asked me for cinnamon to assist.  He refused LLVs as he feared an attack of gout.  He inquired about TerraZyme as well, neither of which I had.  I did some research and borrowed TerraZyme as it seemed it may, in fact, benefit him, gave him a weeks worth of a low dose of that, LLVs (1/2 dose) a weeks worth of OG+ as well as balance and slim and sassy/lemon mix to drink throughout the day to safeguard against an attack of gout.  This was to start, my hope is he will add the other oils and the rest of the LLVs and maintain interest enough to continue.  Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.


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