Monday, February 24, 2014

[Everything doTERRA] Re: A personal testimony. MS, Irratable Bowel, Acid Reflux, Eyesight, Energy and more!

Thank you to all who have sent me dill oil! I cannot tell you how blessed I feel. I look forward to the day I do not have to worry about spasms anymore but for now I am so so so grateful for you all, and you know who you are, for doTERRA dill oil!

Seasons of life, what's your season? Changing self and others one day at a time with doTERRA!

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 11:10:20 AM UTC-8, kathleen busch wrote:
I was diagnosed with MS 2/2003. I have been in a wheel chair at times, using a walker at times and had to use a cane for long time. For whatever reason, I have an attack every four or five years. My last severe attack was last March of 2013. In July of 2013 I prayed asking for better health, to find an opportunity to do something from home that I could minister to others. For years I worked as a government contractor and ministered to disable veterans. That ended in the fall of 2011. I missed what I did for over twenty years but for whatever reason God moved me on. Answer to my prayer. Late August 2013 I was introduced to doTERRA. I was fighting a migraine for a week. I was offered to try pasttence roll on and within 2 minutes it was gone. I had neck pain and again offered deep blue to try on my neck and again within 2 minutes the pain was gone. My husband has COPD and was offered breathe oil to try and once again his breathing was better. We talked about ordering some oils when I had a flashback about my prayer. I decided to become a consultant and SOOO SOOO HAPPY I DID!
I started using doTERRA LLV full dose first week of October 2013. By end of October I was able to put my cane down. By beginning of December I was off of 4 sleep medicines, 2 migraine medicines, 3 irritable bowel medicines, 1 MS medicine, 3 over the counter supplements and 2 anti depressant medications, as well as others as needed medicines.
Today I have more energy sine LLV, my fuzzy vision is incredibly better since using immortelle, digestzen and lemon oil has allowed me to have a healthy normal life that I have never remembered having as far back as a child.. Digestzen oil and supplement has healed my acid reflux. Spasms that attack my whole body and are so painful, I now control with dill oil. ( ps) if anyone has dill oil to spare please let me know. doTERRA DILL OIL IS A MUST HAVE FOR ME. They are out of stock and I only have a small amount left. . I use lavender, serenity, and veviter to sleep. I use pasttence and peppermint to stop migraines and or headaches from becoming out of control. My husband has healed tooth infection with meleluca. I had two roots removed from one tooth last week and meleluca took pain away. I am now at director level and have testimonies of others who now use doTERRA because it works for them. a women with Parkinson's, the oils are changing her life for the better.  A lady with diabetes, her points decreased by 20 after first month of LLV. Her arthritis is so much better from using oregano and coconut oil. So many more testimony's but only so much room.      
My prayer has been answered and I love that I can use products that benefit me, my family and countless others. I work from home and get to minister to folks in need of relief. I have had no problems with doTERRA as a company. They back of everything they sell and are so willing to help anyone with any issues related to doTERRA. Thank you for letting me share.

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