Monday, October 31, 2011
[Everything doTERRA] Roman Chamomile PDF
Any experiences with it?
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Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Enroller and Sponsor
On Oct 31, 2011 10:05 PM, Denise Olson <> wrote:
What is the benefit of putting yourself as an enroller when you place them under someone on your frontline? It is not a benefit to them at all is it?
I'm sorry but I'm trying to understand all of this.
I just read what I wrote, and I think it still may sound like Greek!
You only start placing people once you have three LRPs on your first
line. As you recruit, you will place new people under the three you
already have. I take into consideration geography, where I need
volume, and other things when I make a placement. For example, when I
enroll someone, I will try to place them under someone who is in their
community, or the person closest to them.
When I register a new IPC, I put myself as both enroller and sponsor,
and then take the 30 days if I need to, to decide where to place them.
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Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Enroller and Sponsor
I'm sorry but I'm trying to understand all of this.
I just read what I wrote, and I think it still may sound like Greek!
You only start placing people once you have three LRPs on your first
line. As you recruit, you will place new people under the three you
already have. I take into consideration geography, where I need
volume, and other things when I make a placement. For example, when I
enroll someone, I will try to place them under someone who is in their
community, or the person closest to them.
When I register a new IPC, I put myself as both enroller and sponsor,
and then take the 30 days if I need to, to decide where to place them.
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[Everything doTERRA] Zumba
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[Everything doTERRA] Rumba
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Re: [Everything doTERRA] december & francinsense
did I read somewhere that in December they special is free franc? If
so, how much did you have to spend to get it, was it a 5 ml or 15 ml
bottle? Will they do it again?
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[Everything doTERRA] poison ivy
lavender, but she said it made it much worse. She is a physician's
assistant with loads of medical training, and said she should have
known that an oil would spread poison ivy since it's oil-based itself.
Anyway, I felt terrible...I'd looked it up in the little book, which
says lavender. Does anyone have any additional info on treating poison
ivy? Too late for this time but I'd like to know for next time.
Also, is there anything recommended for irregular heart beat?
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Re: FW: [Everything doTERRA] Re: zyto scanner
scans could be done but sometimes it could be helpful.
On Oct 31, 12:12 pm, Valerie Hampton <>
> Ok, what does it mean: " . . . you can pause the monthly fee"?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of mimidebbie
> Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 6:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Everything doTERRA] Re: zyto scanner
> If you were able to scan a few people each month for a low fee it could pay
> for itself. Plus you can pause the monthly fee.
> --
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[Everything doTERRA] Seborrhoeic_dermatitis
specific oil? thanks :)
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[Everything doTERRA] EO's and blood thinners
found an answer.
My mother is on Cumidin or now known by it's real name Warfarin. She
has been on it for over 20 years.
My poor mother just loves the oils and would love to use them but is
very cautious about trying them. What I would like to find is
something from Dr. Hill or such that says what oils can be used. Or
even better what can be used to replace some of the meds.
Please either attach information you have received or send me in the
right direction to get medical information to give her Doctor.
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RE: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Convention Handouts
Carla Anderson) ask for it so I'm still confused because it makes me think
that it's not showing up on this site for everyone. Hopefully you all get
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Rindee
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 9:32 PM
To: Everything doTERRA
Subject: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Convention Handouts
Does anyone have Laura Jacobs' handout for her class? I went to her
first class and she said we didn't need to take notes because she had
a handout...but they didn't find them before the end of the class and
when they did find them they ran out so fast I never got one. Anyone?
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[Everything doTERRA] december & francinsense
so, how much did you have to spend to get it, was it a 5 ml or 15 ml
bottle? Will they do it again?
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: Oil of the week: Cinnamon
are both "cinnamon," but different species? I'd be curious, since I
have cassia but not cinnamon.
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[Everything doTERRA] Polycystic Ovarian Diesease
out that he has Polycistic Ovarian disease. She wants more children
and doesn't want to go on the medication they suggest. What oils and
protocol could I recommend for her?? Nay help would be greatly
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Re: [Everything doTERRA] Pumpkin Cookies with On Guard Icing
I'm going to a Halloween party tonight and just made some wonderful cookies that I thought I would share:
The cookie recipe is from the blog, and the icing recipe is from
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies
2 cups white spelt flour
3/4 cup whole grain spelt flour ( used all whole grain because we grind all our own flour)
1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoons grated fresh ginger (I didn't have any, so I used crystallized ginger instead)
pinch of ground cloves
2 tbsp ground flax seed mixed with 6 tbsp water
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup safflower oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup chocolate chips (I used mini ones, but any size will do)
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
In one bowl, sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and cloves. Grate in the ginger and mix.
In another bowl, combine the flax and water with the sugar and mix well, then add the oil, lemon juice, and pumpkin. Mix well.
Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and mix until smoothly combined. Stir in chocolate chips.
Drop tablespoons full of batter onto prepared baking sheets and press down gently with a fork. The batter will be quite wet, more like cake batter than cookie dough.
Bake for fifteen minutes then let cool on a wire rack.
Makes approximately three dozen cookies. Plenty to share with your friends.
Let cool then glaze with:
Vanilla Glaze
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon nondairy milk (I used almond)
1 teaspoon canola oil
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup powdered sugar
1. In a pan over low heat, warm nondairy milk, oil, and vanilla. Remove from heat.
2. Add powdered sugar. If you need it thicker, add a bit more powdered sugar. (I added three drops of On Guard)
3. Pour glaze over cake or other dessert immediately.
Preparation time: 10 minutesJoni Zander Helping you heal through Energy Healing and Essential Oils
Tel: (541) 207-7313 |
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[Everything doTERRA] Mastocytosis and hospice care
of mast cells. He has problems with nausea and stomach pain, anxiety
and skin itching.I have him on the LLv and just started him on daily
frankincense, digestzen for the stomach pain. He's been on the
cleanse and the LLv for over two weeks and says he not feel any
better. What else can I do to help him??
I also have some nurses that are interested in using the oil in
hospice setting. What woud you recommend they start with?
Any help you could give me would be great.
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Re: [Everything doTERRA] Detox and Immunity
From: Ileen Johnson <>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 4:56 PM
Subject: [Everything doTERRA] Detox and Immunity
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: Toddler with Allergies
him to Soy. I'm lactose intolerant and drink soy so it wouldn't be
that big of a switch. My husband stays home so I'll get him to do the
protocol of lemon, peppermint and lavender. We diffuse Breathe and
OnGuard morning and night as well as apply both on his feet and
Breathe on his back/chest every night.
On Oct 31, 1:18 pm, Ginny Eiseman <> wrote:
> I might either diffuse breath or combine it with water and spritz on his
> pillow at night. Common home allergens are pets, down pillows, dust
> mites and laundry products.
> The other big culprit is candida, especially if he receives formula.
> Most have high fructose corn syrup or sugar in them. Tried to find one
> without sugar in it the other day and failed. I'm afraid the only
> alternative I can think of is goats milk.
> There is a protocol
> I'd suggest some discussion on the list about candida and toddlers since
> I don't have any experience to draw from for toddlers.
> gin
> On 10/31/2011 2:56 AM, Trisha R Jackson wrote:
> > It appears that my 18 month old has allergies. He's constantly stuffy
> > and his nose has been running (clear) for months now. We've been
> > applying OnGuard day and night, Breathe all throughout the day on his
> > feet and back and even Eucalyptus. Nothing has been working. I've
> > thought about lemon in his water but not sure if that will have any
> > affect. I'm afraid the stuffiness is going to affect his speech since
> > he's so muffled and can't hear his words properly.
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: Preferred Member - queries
a PM purchasing account under the spas IPC number. If they want to
purchase product they would use the PM account for that function.
Suppose they purchase 3000.00 worth of product with 3000.00 pv. The
percentages accumulate this way. As a PM the purchasing account
receives a discount of 20% off retail. If they set up their purchases
through the loyalty rewards program they would, after a year, receive
a 30% premium of reward points for future purchases. Also, the spa
would receive a 25% commission for the purchasing accounts buys of
product. In all that would be a 75% return through commissions/
discounts and premiums. Hope I got that right..... whew!
On Oct 31, 5:13 am, energy4life <> wrote:
> Remember that an IPC does not get paid for his/her own purchases. That
> is why it is best for the spa to purchase through a PM account. They
> get a 20% discount, and the sponsor (owner) gets paid on the
> purchases.
> I struggle with the math as well! On the webinar, there was mention of
> a very high percentage discount when you add it all up, but they did
> not explain how they arrived at that number. I am still in the dark
> about that part, so if someone could jump in and explain it, I would
> be very grateful!
> On Oct 31, 10:55 am, Patricia Leavitt <>
> wrote:
> > The preferred member gets a 20% discount on the oils. The first $500.00
> > (one order) ordered returns a 10% cash bonus to the IPC that enrolled the
> > PM. A $1000 dollar order gets 15% cash back to the enroller. Every $500.
> > incremental order gets an additional 5% cash back bonus. Up to a $3,000
> > dollar order which will get a 30% cash back bonus. The key here is the IPC
> > is getting cash back bonus's for his business which gives him a greater
> > discount on the products.
> > I believe there is a call regarding the PM new rules and regs that you can
> > listen to on
> > Pat
> > On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 6:22 AM, DanielH <> wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > I've asked a question before about the preferred member, but rather
> > > than asking a new question in that old topic, I'm starting a new one -
> > > as I don't think the old topic will be noticed much.
> > > I am really, really confused with the preferred member (PM). The
> > > general idea is okay, but the technical details i.e. the maths! is
> > > hard to grasp. Especially as I'm trying to work out the benefit of
> > > having a PM (Spa) underneath a IPC (Spa Owner), as opposed to the IPC
> > > (Spa Owner) just buying everything under his/her membership.
> > > That's a point that I'll come back to, once I've worked on a
> > > spreadsheet for the complicated maths...
> > > But I want to start out with a question -
> > > I read that the PM pays "20% below retail". Is that calculated as
> > > retail price - 20% or wholesale price + 5% (assumed on the basis that
> > > normal retail is about 25% above wholesale, so PV is about 5%)
> > > Thanks
> > > --
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> > >
> > --
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: [Everything doTERRA] sarcoidosis
From: brenda <>
To: Everything doTERRA <>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 6:42 PM
Subject: [Everything doTERRA] sarcoidosis
Hi there. I have a friend who I went to see and she had massive
reddish purple big (grapefruit sized) spots on her legs, just above
her ankles. I was talking to her about oils and she said when her
daughter was born 14 years ago these spots appeared. Never before
then, after many visits they told her it was sarcoidosis. She said
they are always there, it is almost as if her flesh is being eaten
away down to the bone sometimes. She said it was some kind of an auto
immune disease. I have never heard of it. I am trying to research it
and can't find a lot. She has to get on steroid medication a lot and
so I am wondering if there are any oils that she could try that would
help? There is so much to learn. I would really LOVE to help her,
just not familiar with this. Pat, maybe you have had experience with
this??? Thank you, P.S. She doesn't seem to have it in her lungs as
some people can.
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[Everything doTERRA] sarcoidosis
reddish purple big (grapefruit sized) spots on her legs, just above
her ankles. I was talking to her about oils and she said when her
daughter was born 14 years ago these spots appeared. Never before
then, after many visits they told her it was sarcoidosis. She said
they are always there, it is almost as if her flesh is being eaten
away down to the bone sometimes. She said it was some kind of an auto
immune disease. I have never heard of it. I am trying to research it
and can't find a lot. She has to get on steroid medication a lot and
so I am wondering if there are any oils that she could try that would
help? There is so much to learn. I would really LOVE to help her,
just not familiar with this. Pat, maybe you have had experience with
this??? Thank you, P.S. She doesn't seem to have it in her lungs as
some people can.
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[Everything doTERRA] specials
they can order again and they want to be on LR. Anyway, does anyone
know if they are going to run a special tomorrow? The immortelle ends
today, but I wasn't sure about tomorrow and also oil of the month at
10% off and oil of the month for the free oil for $125.00 before the
15? Thanks so much.
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: heavy periods
for first 3 days of my cycle. It seemed to help. I want to try
geranium internally and/or helichrysum internally.
On Oct 31, 10:55 am, Valerie Hampton <>
> Ok, for someone w/heavy periods, what would be your suggestion? Clary
> sage, etc OR the new Solace? Since it's so new, has anyone had
> experience w/Solace yet? Whatever you might suggest, could you also
> say how, how much & how often? THANK YOU!
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Re: [Everything doTERRA] Pumpkin Cookies with On Guard Icing
I'm going to a Halloween party tonight and just made some wonderful cookies that I thought I would share:
The cookie recipe is from the blog, and the icing recipe is from
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies
2 cups white spelt flour
3/4 cup whole grain spelt flour ( used all whole grain because we grind all our own flour)
1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoons grated fresh ginger (I didn't have any, so I used crystallized ginger instead)
pinch of ground cloves
2 tbsp ground flax seed mixed with 6 tbsp water
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup safflower oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup chocolate chips (I used mini ones, but any size will do)
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
In one bowl, sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and cloves. Grate in the ginger and mix.
In another bowl, combine the flax and water with the sugar and mix well, then add the oil, lemon juice, and pumpkin. Mix well.
Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and mix until smoothly combined. Stir in chocolate chips.
Drop tablespoons full of batter onto prepared baking sheets and press down gently with a fork. The batter will be quite wet, more like cake batter than cookie dough.
Bake for fifteen minutes then let cool on a wire rack.
Makes approximately three dozen cookies. Plenty to share with your friends.
Let cool then glaze with:
Vanilla Glaze
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon nondairy milk (I used almond)
1 teaspoon canola oil
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup powdered sugar
1. In a pan over low heat, warm nondairy milk, oil, and vanilla. Remove from heat.
2. Add powdered sugar. If you need it thicker, add a bit more powdered sugar. (I added three drops of On Guard)
3. Pour glaze over cake or other dessert immediately.
Preparation time: 10 minutesJoni Zander Helping you heal through Energy Healing and Essential Oils
Tel: (541) 207-7313 |
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Malisa Landaluce
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[Everything doTERRA] Pumpkin Cookies with On Guard Icing
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies
2 cups white spelt flour
3/4 cup whole grain spelt flour ( used all whole grain because we grind all our own flour)
1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoons grated fresh ginger (I didn't have any, so I used crystallized ginger instead)
pinch of ground cloves
2 tbsp ground flax seed mixed with 6 tbsp water
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup safflower oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup chocolate chips (I used mini ones, but any size will do)
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
In one bowl, sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and cloves. Grate in the ginger and mix.
In another bowl, combine the flax and water with the sugar and mix well, then add the oil, lemon juice, and pumpkin. Mix well.
Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and mix until smoothly combined. Stir in chocolate chips.
Drop tablespoons full of batter onto prepared baking sheets and press down gently with a fork. The batter will be quite wet, more like cake batter than cookie dough.
Bake for fifteen minutes then let cool on a wire rack.
Makes approximately three dozen cookies. Plenty to share with your friends.
Let cool then glaze with:
Vanilla Glaze
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon nondairy milk (I used almond)
1 teaspoon canola oil
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup powdered sugar
1. In a pan over low heat, warm nondairy milk, oil, and vanilla. Remove from heat.
2. Add powdered sugar. If you need it thicker, add a bit more powdered sugar. (I added three drops of On Guard)
3. Pour glaze over cake or other dessert immediately.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Joni Zander Helping you heal through Energy Healing and Essential Oils
Tel: (541) 207-7313 |
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[Everything doTERRA] rare condition
her symptoms are kidney failure, high CK levels, low blood pressure
and high heart rate. She has been admitted to the hospital 3 times
this year. Im not sure what to recommend other than LLV and GX and PB
assist. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
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[Everything doTERRA] Detox and Immunity
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: Preferred Member - queries
in having an IPC set up their spa under them as a PM, unless the spa
is ordering a significant amount of products. The average small/medium
spa doesn't appear to benefit much at all in this way.
The problem I see is there being a separation of Spa Owner and Spa.
The Spa is the business, the Spa ownder is an individual. I'm
concerned that in practice, the Spa owner will be receiving additional
income that is separate to their business, and will in effect be
considered 'self employment'. This is on the basis that the Spa owner
(IPC) is expected to place a seperate order of 100PV in their own
name. Also, the 'rebate' that they receive may be deemed to be
personal income (self employed).
In the UK, that would create a huge disadvantage as when it comes to
VAT (tax added onto retail products), the Spa (business) will be able
to claim back the VAT. The business owner however would not be able to
claim back the VAT if they are indeed an individual, and their income/
expenses are separate to their Spa business.
If that is the case, there is an awful lot more hassle involved too...
which would make it burdensome, and in effect, easier just to have the
IPC as the Spa, and order everything at wholesale price - without any
PM below it.
Does anyone know how it works in practice? Is there indeed a
separation between the IPC (individual) and PM (business) in terms of
income/expenses.. ?? (or is the IPC able to order through their
business, as an IPC, and then order through their business as a
Seems complicated to me, and I'm just hoping it's not.
On Oct 31, 4:59 pm, Patricia Leavitt <>
> What corporate tells us is you can earn as much as 50% discount depending
> on the amount of product sold.
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 8:13 AM, energy4life <> wrote:
> > Remember that an IPC does not get paid for his/her own purchases. That
> > is why it is best for the spa to purchase through a PM account. They
> > get a 20% discount, and the sponsor (owner) gets paid on the
> > purchases.
> > I struggle with the math as well! On the webinar, there was mention of
> > a very high percentage discount when you add it all up, but they did
> > not explain how they arrived at that number. I am still in the dark
> > about that part, so if someone could jump in and explain it, I would
> > be very grateful!
> > On Oct 31, 10:55 am, Patricia Leavitt <>
> > wrote:
> > > The preferred member gets a 20% discount on the oils. The first $500.00
> > > (one order) ordered returns a 10% cash bonus to the IPC that enrolled the
> > > PM. A $1000 dollar order gets 15% cash back to the enroller. Every $500.
> > > incremental order gets an additional 5% cash back bonus. Up to a $3,000
> > > dollar order which will get a 30% cash back bonus. The key here is the
> > IPC
> > > is getting cash back bonus's for his business which gives him a greater
> > > discount on the products.
> > > I believe there is a call regarding the PM new rules and regs that you
> > can
> > > listen to on
> > > Pat
> > > On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 6:22 AM, DanielH <> wrote:
> > > > Hi
> > > > I've asked a question before about the preferred member, but rather
> > > > than asking a new question in that old topic, I'm starting a new one -
> > > > as I don't think the old topic will be noticed much.
> > > > I am really, really confused with the preferred member (PM). The
> > > > general idea is okay, but the technical details i.e. the maths! is
> > > > hard to grasp. Especially as I'm trying to work out the benefit of
> > > > having a PM (Spa) underneath a IPC (Spa Owner), as opposed to the IPC
> > > > (Spa Owner) just buying everything under his/her membership.
> > > > That's a point that I'll come back to, once I've worked on a
> > > > spreadsheet for the complicated maths...
> > > > But I want to start out with a question -
> > > > I read that the PM pays "20% below retail". Is that calculated as
> > > > retail price - 20% or wholesale price + 5% (assumed on the basis that
> > > > normal retail is about 25% above wholesale, so PV is about 5%)
> > > > Thanks
> > > > --
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> > > >
> > > --
> > > FOUNDING DIAMOND CONSULTANT- Hide quoted text -
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: Enroller and Sponsor
You only start placing people once you have three LRPs on your first
line. As you recruit, you will place new people under the three you
already have. I take into consideration geography, where I need
volume, and other things when I make a placement. For example, when I
enroll someone, I will try to place them under someone who is in their
community, or the person closest to them.
When I register a new IPC, I put myself as both enroller and sponsor,
and then take the 30 days if I need to, to decide where to place them.
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: Combined PM & IPC discounts
I'll add to that:
The preferred member program states "100% of total PV generated from
orders of Preferred Members will count as
Personal Volume for qualification purposes".
Does that mean that if the PM has a PV of 200, the IPC will get 200PV
too? In which case, surely that means the IPC will not need to make a
seperate order of at least 100PV, as by the nature of it, their own PV
will already have exceeded 100PV.
On Oct 31, 6:35 pm, wrote:
> Please correct me if this is wrong. From my understanding after watching the webinar and contacting customer service, these are the discounts someone would get when signing up as a IPC and then signing their business up as an preferred member. The person as an IPC must have a monthly loyalty rewards order of at least 100pv to receive the commission.
> member discounts.docx
> 45KViewDownload
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: Enroller and Sponsor
may be the same as the enroller, but a new person may be "placed"
under a different "sponsor." The new person's volume contributes to
the sponsor's group volume (OV), and counts towards unilevel
commissions as well as rank advancement. For ranks above Elite, the
qualifications depend on Personal Enrollments to reach certain
For example, to reach Premier, you have to have 2 Personally Enrolled
people (in different legs) who achieve 2000PV in the same month. To
reach Silver, you have to have 3 Personally Enrolled Elites (3000PV)
in the same month. To reach Gold, you have to have 3 Personally
Enrolled Premiers (5000PV within the structural requirements), and so
on--it's on the compensation flyer, but I admit, it's hard to read. I
had to ask a lot of questions to figure it out.
The reason you want to retain your enrollments is that you can get
extra bonuses for them, once you reach Leadership ranks. For example,
when you are Silver, you have 3 qualified Elites (3000PV) and you get
one share in the Leadership Pool. For every additional personally
enrolled Elite in your organization, you get an extra share! Isn't
that nice?
The only time you might want to give away an enrollment would be to
help someone in your downline qualify for a higher rank. For example,
if the person has enough volume to become Premier, but only one of
their Elites is personally enrolled. You want them to promote, because
that brings you closer to your next rank.
On Oct 31, 4:20 pm, Denise Olson <> wrote:
> Would someone please explain the enroller and sponsor rolls when signing a
> new IPC!
> Thanks, Denise
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: Enroller and Sponsor
receives the fast start commissions. Whoever you place the new ipc
under, that is their sponser. If you place them directly under you,
you are the enroller and the sponser. Hope that helps!
On Oct 31, 1:20 pm, Denise Olson <> wrote:
> Would someone please explain the enroller and sponsor rolls when signing a
> new IPC!
> Thanks, Denise
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[Everything doTERRA] Re: Oil of the week: Cinnamon
while symptoms are bad, along with 4 oz water every 1/2 hour.
Typically you would only need 3 capsules to start feeling MUCH better.
After that, I back off to one capsule every 4 hours for a day, then 3
caps per day for 3 days. This is just what I do, I am sure there are
many other ways to use this wonderful oil.
On Oct 31, 2:12 pm, Lynn <> wrote:
> What do you use Cinnamon for? Do you have a success story to tell?
> Please be specific about how much you use/used, where applied and how
> often. If in the coming months you have an exciting story to tell
> about Cinnamon, feel free to add it here! This can be ongoing.
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