Monday, April 11, 2011

[Everything doTERRA] Getting your labor to start naturally

If it were me & my water had broken but I was not contracting or
dialating I would ask a local midwife to incert Evening Primrose oil
capsule onto the rim of my cervix, as well as, ask her to bind me up,
& finally to give me blue cohosh. The evening primrose has
prostuglagulanes which soften the cervix & help to make it ripe for
dialation & efacement. The binding up will help the baby to be put
into a position where it's head is on the cervix, applying pressure to
help the cervix dialate & eface. And finally the blue cohosh is a
nutural form of oxytocin which the body produces when you are in
laybor ( the synthtic form is called pitocin, the stuff they give you
in the hospital to make your uterous contract ). Blue cohosh is just
as effective but is in it's natural form so it is eaiser on your body.
If your water has been broken for more than 24 hours your doctor will
inform you of the risks of infection to you & your baby which can be
life threatning as well as having a dry birth if all your fluid has
drained, & then there is the possibility of the cord being compressed
if there is not enough fluid in the sack with the baby. I hope this
helps & that all goes well. may God bless & keep you. BeckyLou

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